
That’s not a bad deal, and you know what would be great to add on to that? A couple crispy potato soft tacos. A bit too soon for that unfortunately.

Did you listen to the clip? He’s not shitting on olive garden, he was just pointing out that these people, after participation in a seditious coup attempt, are gonna go back to their normal lives and Olive Garden was just the random restaurant he said. Do people think he was shitting on holiday inn, too? 

There isn’t a chicken sandwich war, there’s a Spicy Chicken Sandwich war. I’m pretty sure the war was started long ago when Wendy’s came out with the spicy chicken sandwich. Chick-fil-a amped it up a little when they started spreading and offered the spicy chicken too, but I don’t know that anyone was really cross

Spider Man 2 is still my favourite superhero movie. 

The dancing down the street bit has always worked for me because it reveals something fundamental about Peter Parker — even when he’s mind-controlled into being evil, he’s still a massive nerd with no real idea how to be cool. As punctuated by an endless series of confused and incredulous glares from pretty much every

Honestly I love the shit out this movie. It’s just a lot of fun.

I love how much that Spider-Verse sequence captures the essence of Spider-Man, basically using only Raimi references.

The craziest thing is that the basic plot of Spider-Man 2 had been done in previous movies (Superman 2, Batman Forever) without it ever working as well or as clearly. The thing in both of those movies is that Superman and Batman wind up (briefly) quitting in hopes of a reward—a “normal” life with a woman—before

The second film delves into this pathos even better; it gives Peter Parker great reasons to quit being Spider-man, but he also has to live with the guilt of knowing his absence as Spider-man costs innocent people of their lives. They are explicitly about one of the great moral lessons; to quietly do the right thing.

Great summary. The only thing I’d add is that one of the nice twists of Raimi’s version is that Ben dies because he’s carjacked after coming to drive Peter home (in the comics, it’s an unrelated home invasion that stretches credulity a bit), and that Peter isn’t generally speaking a dick throughout the movie (unlike

(I would also add that setting Harry up to hate Spider-man for killing his father was also brilliantly done.)

The Sam Raimi Spider-man films were cheesy as hell (certainly in comparison to the Marc Webb films) but unlike the latter, Raimi’s films had teeth.

I miss the days when you didn’t have to be 3/4s of the way out of a parking space before you knew if another car was barreling down on you. 

One thing I liked about my 1997 Nissan truck was the tailgate. Put it down and have a seat.

Making a $60,000 17 MPG masculinity replacement a requirement to survive American streets is one hell of a way to make every dystopian future come true.

I remember going to a lowrider show when I was a teen. These dudes are some of the most realest car people around. The amount of pride and work that goes into them is insane. Plus the culture around the cars was cool itself. The brodozer scene is just the opposite. Slap on a lift and some huge wheels and run around

Wow! That particular Lexus is a rebodied Toyota Land Cruiser: a full-size, fully-legit off-road SUV: ladder frame, lift, V8, the whole 9. It is seriously not small. And that Silverado makes it look like a Yugo. Yes, the trucks are too big.

Good thing pedestrian deaths aren't an issue rn

Rise of Skywalker is worse than TPM.

Rise of Skywalker is absolutely worse than any of the prequel movies. At their absolute worse, the prequels gave us some top notch action scenes. Rise of Skywalker couldn’t even do that right. God, I hate that movie.