Yeah, I’m kind of in the same boat. All this shit has me looking at a lot of my friends sort of cock-eyed, now. Like, who is and who isn’t a piece of shit.
Yeah, I’m kind of in the same boat. All this shit has me looking at a lot of my friends sort of cock-eyed, now. Like, who is and who isn’t a piece of shit.
Yeah. So does my brother. I think that role—his most idiosyncratic and histrionic—followed him for a long time for a whole generation of people. They couldn’t/can’t see Keanu without seeing Ted.
Right. For all the talk of a fissure in the Republican party that has been going on for years, they put aside their differences and do what needs to be done when it’s time to vote.
In the mind of your average Alabama Republican voter, two consenting adult men having sex is more offensive than a grown 32-year-old man fondling a 14-year-old girl.
The repubs are hypocrites. It doesn’t do anything for our causes if we ourselves become hypocrites. In large part because the repubs at least have the balls to use our own hypocrisy against us in meaningful ways.
Yeah, but the films didn’t cut it completely.
Eh, the thing is, if this had been, say, Paul Ryan, we libs would be all over it. So... we kind of have to hold people to same standards othwerwise we’re hypocrites.
I saw a guy on twitter who called Franken a “fucking sicko” and immediately followed that with “#istandwithmoore”
Eh, I know this is sacrelig, but it’s also true, but Keanu was never worse than any other “minimalist” actor, like, say, Eastwood or Costner. The only difference is Keanu always seemed to be enjoying himself and Americans have a problem with people enjoying themselves at work. If Keanu had been more dour and serious…
Huh? He’s got literally every assassin in the world on his tail for breaking that rule.
Exactly. If JW2 and The Raid 2 had just been slick rehashes of the first movies, people would complain that the filmmakers got lazy or something. I enjoyed both sequels precisely because they took some genuine and creative risks and mostly succeeded. Hell, JW3 is going to be the most bloated, ridiculous, stupid movie…
I’m really into personal freedom as well. Like going to movies or concerts, or, hell, even church, without having to worry that me, my loved ones and all the people around me are going to be shot to ribbons.
Ok, well... like the cocaine dealer, when the gun peddler has to smuggle in a fucking handgun up his ass, then I’ll at least respect the hustle.
Imagine if, like cocaine dealers, gun peddlers had to sneak bump stocks through customs in their asshole. I’d at least have to give them some credit for putting some actual work into their hobby.
They do ignore it. They dismiss it as a character flaw of an otherwise decent man.
All very true. And, as a “half-breed” (latino/white) myself, I also dug on how the mixed children (Gohan, Trunks, Goten) were stronger because of their being mixed. Like they got the best part of both worlds and weren’t just mongrels. Such a great show for so many people.
Well, I’m sure there are a few. But I think mostly, if the voters even believe the accusations at all, that they just see it as a character flaw. Maybe Moore has done some bad things, but the Libruhls are actual bad people. It’s a bizarre mindset.
Yeah, and the silly thing is I agree with that person and we’re on the same side. But I wasn’t “pure” enough or outraged enough or something. It’s a weird time to be an American. ‘
I work at a University and I feel like it’s sort of—I don’t want to call it a fad—but it’s like this new way of signalling how open and progressive you are. Like, I’m really progressive, and, at the end of the day I don’t care what any consensual adults are up to in their bedrooms. But I don’t get polyamory. It’s just…
Well, yeah, to some extent. But, man, Moore really got their rocks off when he pulled that gun out on stage. And his Islamophobia makes all the rednecks want to throw their panties on stage with him, men and women alike.