
Give credit to Daly on that one. He could’ve easily scored another 2 or 3 punches on the ground, but he realized he was out and waited for the ref to realize the same.

Yeah, but they will NEVER recognize that. When things go to shit, they’ll still blame the libruhls for whatever Obama did that Trump couldn’t fix. Or something just as dumb.

Eh. I’ve always felt Sonnen’s redemtion laid in him being basically the funniest Republican comedian (and possibly the funniest Republican, period) in existence. He knows he’s a goof and he’s ok with it.

Should be hard. Not impossible.

The more you read up on fitness and diet, the more confused you’ll get because nobody knows shit, but that doesn’t stop them from trying to sell you something. The problem is most of the studies are done in the short term under very specific circumstances with small sample sizes, and there’s almost no way to account

I gave him the benefit of the doubt from the beginning precisely because of that reasoning. The argument against Canseco’s word is that he’s a scumbag. But that’s PRECISELY why you believe him. Only a scumbag would be slimy enough to air his friend’s dirty laundry for his own benefit. Just ask Henry Hill.

Yep. Macho bullshit like this completely misses the point of “Strength and Conditioning.” If they are in the hospital on the verge of death, they are neither “strong” or “conditioned.” Add in recovery time that they could’ve been using to actually get stronger and more conditioned, and... Jesus, how stupid were these

Some people see the entire neighborhood is on fire and at risk of being utterly destroyed. The people who see this fire are running through the streets trying to tell their neighbors that the neighborhood is on fire and something must be done.

CNN is “fake news.” But that doesn’t mean the warped perceptions of Trump or his supporters is any more real.

Yeah, they’ll see. And they’ll become angry. And they’ll demand justice and fairness and in their righteous fury they’ll...continue to blame Brown people, Muslim people, Queer people, poor people and liberals. Because they’re not only morons. They’re morons in denial. And they’re morons in denial who are mean,

While I agree with the general sentiment of your comment, Facebook is not an echo chamber, my friend. That’s the point. It’s on facebook where I’m forced to confront the nihilistic, all-consuming abyss that are Trump’s “base.” It’s the people who isolate themselves on gizmodo message boards that aren’t realizing just

They will NEVER have that realization. They will blame it on liberals, or Muslims, or immigrants or queer people. And there will be plenty of people telling them they are right.

That’s what I’m trying to tell people. Look at your facebook feeds. His supporters love this shit. I try to be patient and open-minded and understanding, but a certain line has been crossed with this jackass and anyone who supports him has no leg of logic, moral decency or intelligence to stand on. The problem is

They will never take responsibility. They always have the Brown people and the Queer people and the Muslim people and the poor people to blame everything on. And 70,000,000 people in this country will buy it, not because it’s true, but because they want it to be true.

Yeah. Check your facebook walls. His supporters love this shit. Love it. He’s “telling it like it is.”

I wanted to feel about something (anything) in my life the way Locke felt about concrete.

I remember I rented it on a lark and was completely blown away by that performance. Before that I thought Hardy was just some pretty boy co-star in films like Inception, RocknRolla, Tinker Tailor, or whatever. Then I was introduced to one of the all-time great screen performances. I was thinking the same exact thing:

Why so many people have difficulty with this concept never ceases to boggle my mind. Eat what you want, just not quite as much as you want. Here’s a guy who lost a bunch of weight (and improved all of his vitals) by eating nothing but hostess and watching his calories:

I was certain Bagwell was juicing. He wasn’t that big as a rookie, and his career peak coincided with the roid era.

Man, they won the Super Bowl in spite of Kubiak. I think they were only going to put up with him as long as they kept winning in spite of him.