
Even though the Republicans own the house, the Senate, the White House and soon the Supreme Court, these people will still find a way to blame Obama or Black People or Immigrants or Women or Muslims or LGTBQ folk or whoever.

Somehow they’ll still blame it on Blacks, Mexicans, the Gays and Libruhls. Truth doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what I WANT to be true.

No, I think you’re right. I think it could make some sense to pay for a single session, or an occasional session to fine-tune some things and ensure safety. Sure.

Yes, I really agree with this response.

People don’t understand that they could get into great shape with only a good set of dumbbells. You don’t need all that other stuff.

People don’t understand that they could get into great shape with only a good set of dumbbells. You don’t need all

Starting Strength is not my preferred method of fitness, but why is your friend wrong? You could get really wonderful results doing SS year round and with a diet that addresses your goals.

Why? Working out is not that complicated. You can purchase a handful of informative books that will teach you everything you need to know for a fraction of what it costs to pay a coach or trainer. I suppose if you’re trying to powerlift competitively it might make sense to hire a coach. But I would personally choose

I’ve always thought of myself as the kind of guy who would not put up with racist/sexist/gender-ist/etc. talk. And I’m not. I hear sexist talk regularly and I’m the annoying person who makes a comment about it. But one time I was on vacation in Florida, and a bunch of us were getting drunk at a tiki bar (or something)

Marvel vs. Capcom

Rogan is turrble. His bias colors his commentary to an indefensible degree. He is only marginally more adept than Goldberg. He is inarguably more knowledgeable but Rogan has also had some doozies of calls. Remember when Liddell was “TAKING OVER” his fight with Belfort every time he pushed him into the fence? How about

I felt it was basically the most perfect movie of the year. But the rest of Burneko’s argument stands.

When the worst happens, these people will just blame it on Mexicans and Muslims and Liberals. They won’t learn a damned thing.

Dude, Nixon was a damn Radical Marxist compared to even Clinton and Obama.

I agree that the Marvel movies have warped everyone’s view on a lot of things: villains, interesting heroes, cinematography, plots that are different from movie-to-movie, etc. But the gist of your statement is just dumb. Vader did in 4 minutes in R1 what no other villain was able to accomplish in entire films for this

I’m with you. I don’t think it’s a possibility, but I’d really like it to happen. There’s a series of good Anakin Skywalker turns into Darth Vader movies out in the ether somewhere. They’ll just never get made.

Yeah, I’m actually in the minority that doesn’t think the prequels are the worst thing ever. However, where they faltered was reducing the mythology presented in the OT to a crumbling mess. We were lead to believe that Anakin Skywalker was an alpha-Jedi (I know “alpha” contains connotations these days that make it

Emmit wasn’t lightning fast, though.

His campaign wasn’t successful though. He got less votes than the two Republican candidates who ran before him, and they both lost. Ground game was important. If she could’ve gotten just a handful more people out, she would’ve won.

Definitely one of the weakest candidates ever. I knew it from the beginning. IN 2008, people proved they didn’t want to vote for her. But I still mistakenly thought she’d beat the Moldy sack of pig vomit. Scary thing though: other than Sanders or maybe Warren, who else is there? The party is screwed.

I do all my heavy lifting in Amuri Venture or Cloud Xero Shoes, because I don’t trust walking about in the gym with no shoes on. I paid like $40 for them.