
I think he’s full of shit. I can do multiple pull-ups with 100 pounds hanging from a dipping belt (making me p4p one of the best pullup guys in my gym), and doing sets of 8-10 pullups would get me tired relatively quickly. I’d be surprised if I could get 5 good sets in in a reasonable amount of time.

Nah. I live in a small town, so all the crossfitters go to the same gym and post the same shit on facebook. I know all of these assholes. Of dozens, maybe like 5 or 6 are “jacked.” The rest don’t look any more impressive than your typical gym goer. But who do people think of when they think of the crossfit cult in

Eh. I’ve read the Stoics and have found that their thoughts have helped make me a kinder, gentler, more patient person. Not exactly “alpha” attributes those ones.

USFL wasn’t subpar. That’s the truly frightening aspect of it.

I agree with this. But I also read a lot of, seemingly, obscure books that weren’t and aren’t carried in any book store I’ve ever been in. So that’s the upside of using the internet to buy books. But, yeah, do I miss book stores.

Nah. Same here. I mean, don’t get me wrong, winning is more fun than losing. And I had a few losses that stung pretty hard. But 90-percent of the time I was happy just to be wrestling/playing baseball/running track. In some ways I even liked practiced better than the games/matches/meets because in practice you got to

It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. That was their entire argument against Clinton and now they’re ok with it.

What do they care? They can just blame everybody’s shitty lives on Mexicans and Muslims and they will believe them.

Well, he is a writer.

Go jerk yourself off in private, man.

Best reply on here.

Everybody works hard. Go work a week at a McDonald’s and tell me they don’t work hard.

Everybody already works hard you asshole. Go work at McDonald’s for a day and see if you don’t prefer whatever it is you do for a living.

I agree with the overall sentiment, but the NBA has such a talent disparity between teams that, for me, makes it somewhat difficult to care too much for.

When he’s trying to be clever and whimsical, he’s insufferable. But when he writes seriously about things, he’s a talented writer. That’s what makes me hate his shitty articles even more. Who reads that shit?

That’s it’s problem. Too much content or something. Most of it is aggressively stupid and vapid. Donsky and Serrano are enough to keep me away from the site, never mind the rest who only annoyed me enough to reinforce my distaste but not remember their names. (Sad thing is when Serrano isn’t trying to be clever and

Khabib and Ferguson both. Both of those guys have gone well past “earning” a title shot, and one or both of them are going to miss out on the next one, depending on what McGregor decides to do next (Woodley?). Not to mention Aldo, as well. UFC is getting hard to watch if you’re anything more than a “casual” fan.


Dude. Empathy and rationality have no place in political discussions online. I feel all weird and stuff.

Arkansas gave us Charles Portis. It is largely redeemed for that alone.