Faster =/= Healthier (better)
Faster =/= Healthier (better)
Who is their target market? Gas huffing trailer trash who have won the lotto?
Yeah fair enough, the AR has to make sense for a phone and it isn't so wide that portrait would actually make a 4:3 or 1:1 image much smaller it appears. Playing GBA this way would suck though.
Play DS games, then portrait makes sense.
I wasn't aware, it sounds cool, but i dont feel like spending money on a game that will be replaced in a week. lol. Also I'm kinda back into battlefield again, ill try to work my way back up to big maps rush/conquest. just takes a lot of time to get used to.
Life finds a way.
No, It's like... 15bucks. For a game I didn't enjoy to begin with/got for free
too bad the anti skip is only 30 seconds.
obviously if I wasn't into the last two why would I jump on the beta for 4? Anyways that's interesting 3 actually kind of roped me back in. again. I can think far more clearly than I could 2 years ago.
I think it would have a positive effect on bullshit like that, we could dig up so much dirt that it would just become white noise.
Yup, I just always feel like they can push the limits, I'm starting to get back into battlefield (I'm way better with my ADHD meds) and it's pretty satisfying on infantry only servers, still working my way up to large maps and vehicles and stuff.
That's fair enough. They are both hectic in different ways. I always felt COD had much tighter duels/battles that felt very manageable and controllable. On the flip side it meant someone else could command plenty of control which can be a little shitty. Both games have serious issues, I wouldn't call either the…
Interesting, my biggest problem with large maps is it makes snipers 100% bullshit it's not at all interesting to be killed by one, it's just like... oh I died. Games like battlefield are just missing a lot of the "humanity" for lack of a better word it feels more like a job and less like a game to me. I have BF3 (I…
True, I'm not really complaining about the game itselfit stays true to its colors and lots of people love it for that reason, I just feel like that style of game is kind of silly, they focus so much on making maps "realistic" that they don't fully make a compelling gameplay experience. I personally prefer smaller…
I cant really say much about BF4, but the last 3 games haven't really done it for me, love the shooting mechanics and the feel, but it needs a set of small arena's that are built specifically for the game and not to seem ultra realistic (basically like COD flame me for this if you want but BF can do both things fine…
Probably not, since steam itself keeps track of the last time you played.
yup. or anything that requires that you actually participate in driving, manual RWD cars with power and no nannies work just as well =)
I absolutely loved every minute of this game, it really creates a world that you get sucked into.
What a life. Wish I could enjoy something that much. =)