
The PS1 and 2 made no sound at all when you hit the power button.

Its used for diagnostics and blind setup, it has to come from the console. OTOH, it definitely could be quieter.

This makes New England sound bloody wonderful.

Yeah, the only problem is if I had the money Id still get the Porsche. Only because it attracts less attention. I don't need people trying to talk up my Ferrari/Lambo whatever while I try to do my job, (not likely id ever have that kind of money, but one can dream)

An Aventador GT shooting break... mmmm Probably going to compromise with magnetic ride control and higher profile tires. but that would be a fantastic car.

Odd though honestly like you said, it's a monster not a GT car, but it's already got a computer that can do it it just needs a button and programming. Even my Abarth has CC which confused the crap out of me when I found out.

I have an astigmatism, these guys can fuck off. I've almost wrecked my car several times because of this bullshit.

I honestly don't get why you guys think this is so terrible (the ones specifically ont hsi stang aren't installed right but that aside) Whats wrong with a nice blue glow under the car? I think it's a fantastic effect if applied properly.

Really? I want to put some on my Abarth so there is less window buffeting when i roll em down to hear that engine go crazy.

While as a Jalop I enjoy the sentiment, it just is so incredibly tacky.

One question, cruise control?

A little, not sure much lives up to the total blast I had in SR3 but i really enjoy having a coherent story. Not that SR3 doesn't have a plot or some amazingly funny characters. haven't played enough of 4 to totally judge it. but it's been fun, but I really want something more serious right now. You gotta be in the

Just imagine, chilling with your homies at the golf course when a car comes tumbling out of the sky and ruins your shot.

Or with Trevor just jump out and activate rage mode before you hit the ground.

I've always loved how little the proportions of that scene worked. Blue Brothers is practically a cartoon in live action.

Because you don't take a lot of damage in cars in this game unlike GTAIV

Apples and oranges though. The style is different enough at this point that I wouldn't bother comparing them. I think they are both just as fun, in totally different ways.

BRB buying Bean Machine stock.

Yeah just don't drive around in a truck.

You can't "Sneak" into Zancudo. It's more one of those drive big truck through really fast then hop out and into the plane.