
well they definitely expect your jeans to get wet in the rain or for you to whip it out to make a phone call. But damn these phones put the iphone to shame in the durability department.

Don't see why they would take it down, it's a legitimate product with a legitimate description.

Well to be honest that was part of a fairly sensible law to begin with (no non edibles in food) you cannot pick and choose how you enforce that.

Yeah, fair enough, my parties have been getting more refined, but I know that doesn't happen very often.

Wut? I have LAN parties with my friends at least once a month. It's a party. You clearly have no life sir.

You're welcome =) Also pro tip those 2 week trials work even if you already have service and they stack. good way to get an extra month or two free every year.

Nope not at all, I currently have no credit cards attached to my live account (I have in the past and I have paid for live with one) All you have to do is go online and there's a whole section that lets you add/remove payment methods from your account, and you can just as easily add it back in afterwards if you also

Doesn't your local game store sell cards for 3/12 month subs?

I thought this was obvious? the last batch of screens confirmed it (as well as confirming that they were doing all these shots on xbox/ps3) for me, they all looked horrible in some ways like a current gen game should.I'm definitely going to end up buying two copies (console/pc) of this game because I just can't

yeah don't even bother if you are going to put it in garbage just chuck it in the bin.

I have studded snow tires and just adding two 15lb (about 6kg) bags of sand to the bed of my light truck greatly reduces the amount of sliding I'm doing. Also I'm not adding chains when it's not constantly snowing.

I don't see why not. They don't need YouTube to get the celebrity guests really, since Wil Wheaton knows most of them anyways.

Yeah don't worry if someone has NO experience there is a single player mode and it's their own damn fault for not learning the game at least a little. I have all the maps memorized and everything so I'm a half decent player but sometimes I get distracted. Generally I just get really upset when people are not polite

L4D2 is such a casual game for me, I cannot get into the competitive modes, people are just too damn pissy if you do something wrong. I usually just play on normal which is hard for me to mess up to bad.

Unkarted: Drake's Drifting

He didn't do this, someone "playing" this game did.

Cool. I'm not a huge fan of Obama but a badass figure of the current President is always awesome. I'll have to go looking for one.

1. Where do I buy this?

I do marketing ITS MY JOB TO OVERTHINK THIS. and yes I got that Im just tired.

"Buy this product, then play this game so that you think about this product more often." just because you have bought something once doesn't mean you will continue to do so.