
This is terrible for this man and other people like him, but the problem isn’t with Uber, it’s that a medallion is $700k. This artificial economy has always been problematic. There are also issues with ride sharing, but the answer lies somewhere in the middle, not protecting this outdated system.

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

Doesn’t matter had sex.


“Just kill me”

“Chico was not a saint...”

Uggghhh...another fake “controversy” about to blow up.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

He sounds great. When is his confirmation hearing?

Lots of ways to do it, you can increase the voltage output of the battery either by physical modification (how you connect the cells) or through software. The motors can also be physically modified a number of ways to increase power output. It’s basically all about getting more electricity in without over taxing the

Would be more impressive if he didn’t travel. #truther

And in an actual game no less.

Of course it’s fucking real and happening. Quit acting so God damn dramatic. What did you think would happen? Trump would stay dormant after being elected and disappear into the night? No, it’s president-elect. Support him, or don’t. However, quit acting like a sobbing child.

If you switch the numbers in this chart, it applies to Russell Wilson instead

Not to be confused with the Saints’ defense where two safeties give up on every play.

My buddy started Hoyer over Palmer this week. Moments like this are the reason I play fantasy football, so I can kick friends while they’re down and they’re forced to live in shame for a week.

The new Ram Charge: Just Fucking Hit Something™

This always happens. You let a buddy crash on your couch for a bit and suddenly it’s years later and you find out they’re using your internet to start shit between sovereign nations. Not to name names. Aaron.

The Big XII has ten members, the Big Ten has fourteen. For some reason this reminds me of BASEketball: The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes, the Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil, the Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don’t allow music.

“Hillary Clinton is an anagram. If you re-arrange the letters it spells ‘Hanoi Hilton’.”