Cheers! Loved the podcast by the way
Cheers! Loved the podcast by the way
I work for a brewery that ages beer in wooden bourbon casks. While our brewers intend to pull the bourbon notes from the barrels for the beer, we occasionally get casks that have other undesirable characteristics. To clean and sterilize them properly, we use steam to get most of the extra odors out and then we char…
Color me in the minority here, but I’ll take cholula with grilled onions and finely shredded cheddar on my dogs.
BREAKING: In 7th inning on 7th month, Jesus himself led the broncos to a playoff win against the Columbia Fireflies.
I believe it was Jonah Hill in The Babysitter that coined it perfectly regarding the Hummer H2. It’s a school bus for assholes.
Players Tribune is the only one I can think of. And that’s because the players write the god damn articles.
Seriously? “You’re safe, for now.”
“drones become a weaponized threat to the public unless the federal government acts fast.”
Your use of “fair and balanced” said everything I needed to know. You’re a fucking pathetic excuse of a citizen that obsesses over Fox News. Cum in trumps pants some more you fucking retard.
The LAMESTREAM LIBERAL MEDIA will never expose this. Why? Because neither Bill or Hillary are president right now. Your piece of shit president trumptard has already made the case as the dumbest most crooked and ill equipped slug of a human dumpster to be president. And he and his piece of shit family are bankrolled…
I’m in
I hate the god damn raiders. It’s part of my DNA being a Broncos fan since birth, but Jesus tap dancing Christ is he fun to watch when he’s at his best.
“the Demon is “the result of a sequence of misguided corporate choices”
It’s a sad state of the eastern conference when the (arguably) best competition to the Cavs only hopes that they crank the non-Lebron suckitude up to 11. Whatever, if no one in the east can put the Cavs in their place, then shame on them. I don’t have a Sarah Jessica Parker in that race.
Austin 3:16 says that bed sheet kicked his ass!
The fact that you claim any of this to be “laughable” is enough to know that your morals are lacking pretty nicely. Do the world a favor and shut the fuck up you ignorant cunt.
So that’s his D.E.N.N.I.S. system!
+1 Breitbart News Editor