Yup, owned 2 MK7 GTIs and currently a Stage 2 Golf R (2016). Love the touch controls and the basically “perfect” interior / ergonomics. Not getting rid of mine for sure.
Yup, owned 2 MK7 GTIs and currently a Stage 2 Golf R (2016). Love the touch controls and the basically “perfect” interior / ergonomics. Not getting rid of mine for sure.
Good = competitive on specs and price. I don’t think a lot of the giant-enduro riders give much of a rip about country of origin.
Harry Shift Knob? Yeah, I went to school with that guy. Kind of a dick.
The obvious answer is Nickleback, since it doubles down on the pain of being fired by forcing you to listen to Nickleback!
I don’t know, that kind of sounds like a Cadillac.
Another article on the internet about Millenias. I get it, they can’t find jobs, buy homes or get out of debt.
More surprises from dead gerrymanderer Thomas Hofeller: his records provided the basis for a legal claim that the North Carolina GOP “misled a federal court to prolong the life of their map of state legislative districts, which had been ruled unconstitutional,” according to the New York Times.
It can even change lanes for you if you hold down the turn signal.
He’s definitely a Dapper Dan Man.
Great post @OctopusIllusion! Kinja doesn’t deserve you! This place would really hit the “squids” if you left!
Sweet a truck with a bed just big enough to hold my protein supplements and gallon jug of water!
And enjoy the moment when you realize bass player John Deacon is being played by the kid from Jurassic Park.
If this car needed 100 pages of maintenance history to make it to 96k, then it’s going to need 100 more pages to make it to 125k.
I’d just like to point out that this is the entire dealership subplot of Fargo.
The ritual is very simple.
Hey! That kid might have been concealing a slobbery binkie!
And don’t forget about my forthcoming tome, Flimflams and Falsehoods: The True Story of “Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”
After living in southern West Virginia for a decade I am nowhere close to figuring out the reason for this. The only inkling that I have is the identity of the the miner. People are proud to be miners and proud of their fathers being miners. The coal industry itself is of course doing what they can to perpetuate this.…
...... The Aristocrats!