
I mean, just own it at this point.

The only issue I have with the whole discourse around gender is the ease with which the the pro gender fluidity camp supports the idea that gender is purely a social construct while simultaneously making these quasi-genetic/“essential” arguments that a child’s gender identity is somehow fixed before hand (i.e: that

That can’t really be done... The EU is not willing to ratchet up sanctions, and the member states are not even close to being on the same page. In the EU, certain large member states are less than favorable towards increased sanctions. Countries like France, Italy, and yes, even little old Greece, are not as receptive

Yep, sounds pretty much spot on.

No way. I missed the CD binder in car era by a handful of years and even I’m an ‘old’ now (late 20s.)

Maybe the wording is a little problematic, but it is hardly “Islamophobic”...

It’s impossible to caricature him. His face has no distinguishing features or personality. He’s the blandest variety of white imaginable, stark modern art gallery white.

He fits the manipulative sanctimonious asshole profile. Those types attack any form of generally disliked behavior, believing that the ‘offending’ behavior of the other person gives them carte blanche to harass and intimidate others who unfortunately do not live up to their lofty standards.

In the case of the Front National, they more or less respect the 50/50 rule, 247 women and 259 men are present as legislative candidates under the FN banner. 

“SLUGS” and “SEX FRENZY” should be capitalized as per the Daily Mail style book. By capitalizing “500 BILLION” right out the gate prevents, the writer immediately destroys all lyrical potential and shock value.

Not too surprising given Trump’s temperament and the circumstances...

Why should we subsidize the post office?

The shorter thin white guy has an atrocious sense of style, at one point during their Christmas special on NBC he was wearing dark palazzo pants with an oversized white shirt.

Nor do they tend to care about the working conditions in the sweatshops that crank out dirt cheap “cruelty free” clothes and shoes.

Northern Europeans have been wearing fur for millennia. Did the fur trade explode after the colonization of North America and Eastern Russia? Absolutely, but fur clothing isn’t exclusively Native American.

Even network news, with only 30 minutes of air-time to cram in important stories, manages to dedicate about 10 minutes to some puff-piece with no actual relevance to current events or even one’s own life.

At least there is some cracked logic behind those choices...

Tony Podesta attended some “spirit cooking” dinner hosted by Marina Abramovic. What was it all about?

He’ll quickly perk up once he learns the secret of “inheritance” and basic math... Sure we all die, but Dada’s going first and he’s not taking his millions on the trip.

Getting outraged at this is outrageous! How dare you deny creative agency to directors of color!