
No one loves the sound of a crying baby, but there is no reason why anyone should become truly annoyed at the noise. I only get pissed at parents who let toddlers kick the seats without even the slightest reproach and are then taken aback when you give them the stink eye.

If she were to wear black shoes with a red belt or vice versa, the outfit would look much better. The eye just darts up and down trying to decipher exactly what she was going for. Either way, she should go with a daintier belt and maybe lose the cowboy boots.

Whenever a person makes some statement claiming that men are "naturally" better at directing, all you have to do is point to Leni Riefenstahl.

I tend to stick with the traditional 15% tip for just normal service. I don't care about smiles or pleasantries, all I want is for my order to be correct and not be physically and/or verbally assaulted. I almost never dip below 15%, unless I am dining at an overpriced Shabu-Shabu restaurant where you cook your own

I am a man and I even phrase my answer in long winded question form. It is a habit I picked up after attending school in a foreign country.

France is not quite as "antisemitic" as you seem to believe. France gets ragged on as being a hotbed of antisemitism, when I reality the problem is not widespread. Interestingly, France is one of the few (if not only) nations in Europe that has ever had a Jewish prime minister.While Hitler was chancellor of Germany,

I went to an international school, so we had cliques based on culture and language. People who share both a language and live in a foreign country develop bonds that cross the normal clique boundaries. We essentially had our own social circle and didn't stray much from it. There was no clique hierarchy, just different

Imperialism makes my dick hard.

I don't buy the "God" part. I say "Oh my God!" all the time and I was raised in a totally atheistic family. I never transitioned to atheism nor did I ever go to church. The concept of God doesn't factor into my life in any way. How many times does a Rabbi think about Vishnu in a day? Not once.

I smoke a pack a day, but people in my family live a long ass time. Two centenarians, great uncles and great grandfathers that lived into their late 90's before it was relatively common... Even the obese chain-smokers live into their mid 80's!

In a strange way, you can almost interpret this ad as progress. Thirty or even twenty years ago, an ad insinuating that the viewer might be gay would never have made it to print. At least the subject of homosexuality is being treated in a less hostile way.

Can. 1055 §1. The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring, has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament between the

A scotch and soda at 5pm is not going to adversely affect you in any way. In fact, light drinking can help to temporarily lower blood pressure and relax you after a long day.

A scotch and soda at 5pm is not going to adversely affect you in any way. In fact, light drinking can help to temporarily lower blood pressure and relax you after a long day.

Not so euro-centric as much as just clueless about alcohol production. He lists potatoes and apples, hardly "crazy" ingredients in European alcoholic drinks.

Can we please address reclining etiquette?

It's pretty simple, don't give them any money. No one should look at their friends as sources of "easily accessible capital".

I believe the words "mental illness" are being bandied around too easily. The term is easily attached to random acts of violence committed by a single person, yet never used to describe collective violence.

We are conditioned to be terrified at every moment. Where it be gang violence, "foreign devils", mass murders or terrorists, those looming specters turn us into cowering slaves. Our culture of total fear just breeds these excesses, where it be the carpet bombing of Cambodia or the wholesale massacre of children.

Cell phone radiation is non-ionizing. There simply isn't enough energy to remove electrons, therefore non-ionizing radiation simply cannot cause DNA damage.