
The point remains valid.

Do you read it differently? And how do you pronounce it?

That isn't what I said.

These shows just reinforce class distinctions.

To "@" symbol is still read as an "A"...

The Illuminati are usually considered to be Jews or Freemasons, with shadowy connections to the Knights Templar and European Royalty. Shape-shifters and reptilians may come into the equation for added credibility.

I didn't actually mean what you think.

Some countries, like France, have the age of consent set at 16. Had Clash bedded a 16 year old after a couple of glasses of wine in Paris it would have been entirely legal (yes, even the alcohol part).

I don't know the price of healthcare in Hungary, although I do know the cost in France. I highly doubt healthcare costs are higher in Hungary. I spent six years in France without being integrated into the health system. Paying full price in France was still cheaper than my old American copay. I doubt that the

The Harajuku girl example is an interesting one. It is an example of cultures borrowing from each other. The Harajuku subculture is not purely Japanese. They have taken certain European styles of dress and have modified them in a fun way. Harajuku is uniquely Japanese, but it has been influenced by European styles of

France has an interesting view on the matter of egg donation. It is completely legal, but it is forbidden to pay even a cent for the eggs. The logic of the law is that it should be illegal to pay for life. Putting a price on human material is inherently immoral and should not be allowed. Commercializing life and

Norway may have a high cost of living, but it also has a high standard of living. Standard of living is the ultimate indicator of prosperity. Egypt has a very low cost of living as well as a low standard of living. You can't claim that a "high cost of living" can somehow negate the fact that the population has a very

Not true.

I think we also have to highlight that the animals we kill for meat are "higher" lifeforms than the butterfly. You cannot realistically equate a goat, an animal with feelings and some form of intellect, to a flying biological robot.

I am torn between either taking the Machiavellian route of putting down "White Hispanic" or just sticking with "White".

Joel and Tom seem like exactly the people I would run from. There is a fine line between being "enthusiastic" and turning into a smugly self-assured imbecile. There is nothing more boring than a person who only thinks of dreams and determination. If you've never had two bottles of wine, thrown your slovenly body onto

Furnishing a large office is a monumental pain in the ass. If there are only a few desk models available, it is much easier and cheaper to fix them. If everyone chose their own desks, it would lead to problems.

Vaccuum airships.

You forgot Gin and Tonic. There is no other drink that cools you off, get's you easily drunk and protects your naked unconscious body from malaria.

That is just enough fuck you money to buy a castle in France, a Beverly Hills mansion and a ski lodge. Sock the rest of it appartment buildings and other safe, inflation proof, investments. Leech off the proceeds for the rest of your life without touching the principal.