
Sweetie.. that has been a thing since the early 2000s.

What? It's streets ahead!

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Jeb Bush is GOB???

get some seche vite. It will change your life

Donald Glover for spiderman!

All I want is Miles Morales.

#DonaldForSpiderman !!!!!!!

I can't tell you how badly I want to see a termination handled realistically on a sitcom. Maybe it's the right man, but it's not the right time for them or for her, etc. And they'd struggle and bond and get through it. Dare I suggest that's not atypical for modern couples? And it'd be amazing if it challenged his

I just DO NOT WANT A BABY ON THIS SHOW. I'm sorry, I just don't, no matter how cute Danny as a Dad would be. I feel like "I'm pregnant!" is drama that's just thrown into a show to make it more interesting when in reality it does nothing for the show because it's not like babies have personality they can bring to the

Reading your comment encouraged me to think your exact same thoughts about you.

I've gotta be honest here ... not my cup of tea. But she's not doing it for me. She's doing it for herself. As long as she's not jeopardizing her health (mental or physical) and she enjoys the extreme nature of her appearance, I applaud her. The dedication and planning it takes to do this is truly astonishing.

I mean, yes, I am a nightmare hag and also fuck me

90s Image Comica, maybe. The modern incarnation is, surprisingly, host to some of the best comics currently being printed, by almost any metric.

So I totally thought that the wife and SIL were having a lesbian affair with each other and I kept waiting for that reveal as I read through this. Then I realized that they were each cheating with someone else, not together, and well...the story got infinitely more "normal" and boring. lol.

I don't mean to take any thunder away from Zeb, but if you live in Western NY and are looking for an amazing lap cat who loves being held like a baby, I have a cat for you. Phantom is a homeless cat who showed up on my doorstep about 3 weeks ago. Long story short he only has a few teeth, he has a crumpled ear-the vet

Bah humbug, there's tons of dope shit in the catalogue that got passed over.

Shouldn't he be preserved in a tar pit somewhere?

but the number 700 is so lesbian.