
My first was the Wisconsin Union protests of 2011. Scott Walker came out on top of that one, but I learned so much about community organizing, radical politics, and protester’s rights.  A few years later we voted him out, so at least there’s a bit of a happy ending to this one. 

This shocked me as well. I had my license suspended because of speeding tickets and was then caught speeding again (ahh youth) and all I got was another ticket. I was allowed to continue driving to work right from the scene.

What is the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel? You can just call it the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

I just want Ruby Tandoh. I want her badly.

I, a gay, have never worn crocs and take offense to the fact that this man associates us with them.

I’ve had this for a few months now and it’s become my daily go-to. It has everything I need.

I work for a Cleveland TV station and almost all of our female reporters have worn sleeveless dresses at the Q and we’ve run in to no problems. They’ve also been wearing flats with no issues (10+ hours on your feet isn’t fun in heels). I think this is just a staffer taking things too far.

Rickon’s a cannibal now.

He’s become nothing more than a symbol of his sexuality. He is supposed to be on the Kingsguard and be leading the siege of Dragonstone, but instead he’s just a total pawn that’s likely to be killed off soon. They cut his most important line about “when the sun has set no candle can replace it” along with any sense of

I’m forever fucking pissed about the second class treatment the Tyrell men have gotten in the show. Loras has become a joke that needs to get killed off so they can’t ruin him further, and the others don’t even exist. I hope GRRM marries Willas to Arianne and puts them on the throne to spite Benioff and Weiss.

if the show kills off sansa/makes her stoneheart I’m going to stage a protest at Benioff and Weiss’ homes. please stop putting that girl through hell, wtf do they have against her?

I’ve had this exact same thing happen to me multiple times while working as a grocery cashier. After the third or fourth time I learned to always leave the cash they give me out of the register until they’ve gotten their change. I’ve found that little old lady customers are either the sweetest people on the planet, or

I'm terribly shy, and had been aware of a mutual attraction between myself and a guy in college for three years. Our friends had tried to get us together for years, providing us with ample opportunities to hook up at parties, but each time we'd clam up and leave alone. Skip ahead to senior year when I figure, we

I grew up on a horse farm. When I was in 4th grade I convinced an entire birthday party full of girls that stepping in warm piles of horse shit was great for your feet. They believed me and all went home smelling like manure.

Well obbbbbvvvviously by "American" voters meant Wisconsin accents. We are so sexy.

there are pictures of someone on the aou set in a spiderman costume... post-credits scene?


I want a Young Avengers TV show/movie more than anything else. Marvel gods, please, answer my prayers.

okay fine about the lawyer part, but really? you are going to attack her history of domestic abuse? what a dick move, asshole.

Hawkeye needs his own movie. Add Kate Bishop to it. Base it on the Fraction/Aja run. Come on Marvel, do this one thing for me...pleaseeeee