
it almost physically hurts me to know that this was so close to being in the movie. Hawkeye and Cap are EASILY my two favorite human heroes.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

George. That is all.

I don't know. It all sounds like a lot of doubletalk to try and appease people like me who are clamoring for a Captain Marvel or Black Widow movie. Until he greenlights a movie that DOESN'T have a white male lead, I'm not buying it.

does no one play this game?

I like the way you phrased that. "Work." Sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties, a way to reinforce intimacy, and your argument (and the argument of everyone else demanding she just give in sometimes) is that she should shut up and take it, give him a warm body to get off with. And hopefully it won't turn

Fourth option? You can hire better writers :) Many men can write compelling women just as many women can write compelling men. If you can't, then you probably have way more problems with you writing than just that.

Maybe hire a decent writer?

Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.

Sounds to me like he's not too thrilled about it and trying to steer it towards the producers so they can explain their reasons for it.

I'm going to politely ask that people don't use homophobic language while discussing Edson. Call him an idiot/moron/whatever, but please don't say Yahoo-level stuff.

That should do it.

Some say the world will end in fire,

Allison is my everything. I long for a special episode that's just Allison and Felix Take Toronto, or whatever.

Christina Hendricks for Taena Merryweather

I went to Medieval Times last night and sat in the green knight's section. He lost to the yellow knight in the first round of jousting. I booed, but now realize that the appropriate action would have been to riot.

Very true, mostly because of your lack of alcohol tolerance.

God, I wish Caity could do a complete psychoanalytical breakdown of this for us

Asking people for STEREOTYPES of lesbians and then getting pissy when THEY respond with things like "short hair" or "sporty" is just dumb.