
It doesn’t really matter since I don’t buy whiskey much anyway. But everytime I see an update on this story it just makes me associate Jack Daniels with being incredibly petty, and makes me dislike them as a company. I can’t believe they’d want to keep those new cycles going. It’s a fucking squeaky toy.

Ticketscamster has a a stranglehold on the industry and will magically transform that $30 ticket into $80 after their fees.

Indeed. Over 30 dollars for 2 beers at a recent concert is highway robbery.

Blame the consumer for not supporting overprice capitalism. good on gen z for not blowing their money on overpriced poison.

Prices will increase until spending improves.

I’m kinda proud of Gen Z for this one. I don’t want live performance venues to suffer, but I also want people to make healthy choices.

Went to a concert a few weekends ago. One 16oz white claw was 17 dollars. Beer was no better at 18-19 dollars for one 16oz. That can’t be the reason though.

Little does he know that his soul is bound to the wheel.

I know what category I’d put Pat Sajak in:

TBF, I train my cat by spraying her with a bottle of No. 7. Sure, she barks like a dog and staggers a little from time-to-time, but she seems fine otherwise.

Man, they’re going to have a hard time replacing Pat Sajak...

Just in time, I heard Fox News opened up a few vacancies on their schedule as of late!

Now that actually looks to me to be more of a concern to the JD people.

I saw this in my barber shop. Beware! JD is coming for your lazy merchandising!

I just don’t see any way they haven’t spent more money on lawyers than they would have lost by ignoring the whole damn thing.  I don’t really see how they could have lost a dime because of the toy.

which makes sense, parody law is about copyright not trademark.

True, but I imagine he didn’t think JD would come after him for something so petty. I will be interested, however, to see JD’s argument about how a dog’s squeaky toy could be confused with a bottle of bourbon.

Brown Forman should just cut a licensing deal instead of wasting all this money on lawyers. We went to dog day at the ballgame a few weeks ago and Tito’s gave Wilson one of these:

Sidenote, if we are going to keep having guns in this country then that part of the form  in regards to marijuana usage needs to be removed. People are more likely to be violent using alcohol then weed, yet weed users are considered criminals if they purchase a gun and weed via legal avenues.