Sempre plou sobre mullat

Yes, this will be completely civil. No doubt about it.

Great, I'm never blinking again...

You said what I was trying to say. I'm against equating the experiences of gayness and Blackness, since lumping all minorities together ignores the particularities/intersectionalities of their respective civil rights struggles. However, I don't see a problem with comparing laws to other laws. We're all guaranteed

I don't think it's a great blanket statement, but some things are incredibly strong parallels. Like this.

You know, some people take issue with the comparison of the treatment of blacks during the Civil Rights era to the treatment of the LGBTQIA community today. I personally don't see a problem with it. It's hard not to see any similarities between this stupid law to Jim Crow.

I think you mean "disabrie."

I didn't choose the milk life, the milk life chose me.

And some refer to Sen. Martin as a "mutha."

That John Cleese gif is priceless!

Game over, man. Game over.

Children will be henceforth referred to as "wombbusters" and abortion will be henceforth referred to as "nuking from orbit (it's the only way to be sure)."

As a researcher/scientist, these articles are insanely frustrating to read. "Things that I can't pronounce, or be bothered to learn about via scientific research, are scary and related to SCARY THINGS and buzzwords and every disease known to medical science. AND I WON'T ELABORATE ON IT. I just want to publish

This totally happened to me. I was totally straight until freshman year, when my professor assigned me a book. I read it and now I'm gay for life! IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!!

This is how you do it, Tom Cruise.

...But is the NFL ready for Ellen Page?

I would go husband hunting, but hunting licenses have been really hard to get ever since the local husband population was decimated by chick flicks and demancaveification.

The only terrible thing about this show is that it ended.

Make sure you don't kick it up the arse, though!

Of all the things I love about Pushing Daisies, I think my favorite is that Chuck was raised to call the fridge "the cheese box". That and "Lil Gumshoe". Oh, and Lee Pace's beautiful, perfect, completely unattainable face.