Sempre plou sobre mullat

Oh the casual sexism... excuse me for a moment.

God no. I discovered that game the week before finals and it was not a good thing.

It's from the Piedmonte region in Lombardy. It is indeed a delightful red!

It's one of my favourites, but good luck finding it for under $20 outside of Italy.

Grima Wormtongue approves.

Shameless Ygritte post.

Makes me wonder if I'll have better luck getting new research funding or having papers published if I include some sort of headshot or asterisks in the author association list*

1. Definitely not a "dude"
2. At what point did I even remotely hint that I was better than anyone? Do you think I turn back and yell at the girl I pass 'your pants suck and I'm burning you to teach you a lesson about speed, beeotch!!' I suggest you review the term 'tongue-in-cheek'. You honestly don't think I know

To each their own. I've been to wineries in Southern France and had their rosés and I wasn't impressed. I'll stick to my Spanish and Tuscan reds, thank you very much.

...Or maybe I just haven't been impressed by any of the rosé that I've tried. Not much of fan of Merlot either.

Interesting. I've had flowers in salads, but I don't think I've had rose petals. Might be something to try!

I haven't had one that didn't taste like syrupy fruit juice.

"best Rosé in the world"

Really. Please, since you seem to know me *so* well... Enlighten me on how training hard and putting everything in a race makes me "just as bad" as the people that think they're better than everyone else because they can drop $100+ on clothes they're going to sweat in? Or are you one of those people that's frightened

Considerably less harsh than Wisconsin. Paris (like London) almost completely shuts down when it snows.

ooo footballers. It's why I have no problem with the typical American completely ignoring football. More for me, right José?

I study antibiotic resistance in TB, but in the past I've done more biostatsy-public health type stuff(I have an MPH in Biostats in addition to my PhD in Micro). I'd say get as much research experience as you can, whether it's actual bench experience or just going to seminars (if your uni has a med school, these are

I met him a few years ago, the last time I was home for Christmas. I was visiting a friend that lives in Cork (I think he still has family there) and he popped into the pub we were at. We only talked to him for a bit, but he gives off the vibe of someone that might either give you a hug or punch in the face at any

I kid, I kid. I met him once. He's not bad.