
How the hell has Subway not cleaned every store of every Jared image already? Like even if it was just sending out a big sticker of a meatball and telling employees to stick it over the face of every “Jared” they see?

DO NOT THINK HE IS GUILTY I just work at subway and thought this was funny.”

It didn’t get much better. Colbert asked Bush about his signature exclamation point. Jeb! said that it “connoted excitement.”

Does anyone remember the first episode of the Colbert Report? He stammered all the way through it. He looked like he was wishing for a trap door to appear beneath the desk.

Don’t worry...we’ll have an airlift. And if you choose to walk across the border, we promise not to kick you as you come in.

Then right back to jail she goes!

I wouldn’t say “nothing.” Her office is issuing licenses to same-sex couples now and she is not allowed to stop them. She may not have to do it herself, but she still lost.

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

Okay, first, I am astonished that Survivor is still a band.

Oh my god I laughed so hard when I first heard the song. I thought it was a joke! They keep saying Jesus won marriage is still legal. So what exactly did they win?

“I might not be an Adonis,” he added “but I like to think of myself as an Adonis in that photo.”

It's from the Today show in Australia. The clip itself is pretty light hearted and humorous but their faces are so purely shocked it's getting a lot of mileage in a variety of situations. They had actually just seen footage of an enormous (like at least 40 ft) shark breaching out of the water.

I think the difference between her and Davis is that Davis was denying individuals a legal right to get married, which is federally legal and required due to her title. Alcohol isn’t a federal right in this country. There are dry counties everywhere because the local government considers it to be against their

The contrast to how migrants are being treated is absolutely mind-boggling.

I mean, we can debate about the degree to which she’s a monster (less than ISIS, more than the assholes who drive on the shoulder of the road in traffic) but if you’re physically assaulting terrified people, children among them, at their lowest point, yeah, you’re a monster.

NPR had a segment on a Hungarian Jewish man who lived as a refugee during WW2 and during the invasion in 1956.

What I want to know is why it took Jezebel so long to respond to this?