
This totally went down in my family. My grandmother had Parkinson's and only 2 of her 4 kids lived in town: my mom and my uncle. My mom was the family member that always had the most responsibility for taking care of my uncle. In fact, one time my uncle invited my mom to my cousin's graduation specifically so that she

As someone who does costuming, I can tell you that making decent clothes is much, much more difficult than making decent food. To make clothes that fit you properly and look nice and are made of okay material takes serious time, money, and skill. My sewing skills are well above average and I would not be able to do it.

I would argue that skinnies can help define your leg shape. I'm quite heavy, but I wear my skinny jeans anyway (like, I am the person people joke about "just because it comes in your size" and they can bite me). If I wear a pair of flares or straight legs, it makes me look shorter and like I have tree trunks for legs.

I am too and I love my skinny jeans! It really comes down to finding a pair that fits well and maybe getting them tailored if they don't. I always run into the issue where the pairs that fit in the waist have legs that are too baggy, but I just fix it as best I can (or if it's real bad, try and pay someone to fix it,

So, CNN, continuing its unceasing suckitude, currently has the following headline:

Which interview was this in? I don't recall seeing it during the big press conferences (I was working from home and had CNN on most of the day)

<Captain America saluting gif here>

Yup. As frustrating as it will be to once again be in the greys (except for Gawker, apparently- evidently I'm approved there), better that than putting up with this nonsense.

Yeah, I'm worried about that too. I've gotten starred by CJA and some of the other writers a few times on io9, but so far as I know, I'm not followed by any of the blog or the editors (or anyone here on Jez). So, back to the greys with me.

Is there a protocol for getting out of the greys? Other than just get followed- I mean how do I get followed? I don't want to turn this into a "everyone beg to be followed thread," so I'm just trying to figure out what to do. Especially since, if I am understanding correctly, we'll have to get followed on all of the

From your description I can't tell if that's sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming. I know my eyes aren't always open, but I can tell I'm awake and not asleep anymore. I usually notice the paralysis first, and then the hallucination shows up. So, since I used to get them regularly, I usually thought "Oh goody, here we go

You never get used to it, but you learn to cope. I just explained to someone that I try and focus on rolling back and forth to break the paralysis as soon as I realize I'm having an episode. I am not sure it actually works -it might just keep me busy until it wears off- but I feel like it helps remind me that the

I don't know if this is helpful, but I used to get sleep paralysis a lot. I still get it occasionally, but much less often now. I tend to sleep on my side, so I find that I can break the paralysis if I focus as hard as I can on rolling back and forth. It takes a few minutes, and if you're having concurrent hypnogogia

Similar. I have probable narcolepsy (we had some problems confirming the Dx), so before I was medicated I had sleep paralysis regularly. As in, average 1x per week. Sleep paralysis frequently happens with hypnogogic hallucinations. Both are attributable to features of REM sleep happening while your mind has started to

I feel you on that. I moved up here for grad school. There's all sorts of stuff where I am like "Okay, so is this a thing everywhere or is this an Ann Arbor thing?" I think we have a lot of 1. rich white hippie types and 2. a surprisingly high number of people who have a problem with students and poor people (if some

My concern has never been just what is or is not practical based on what is practical for normal people. It's what makes sense for the character. And WW, as an Amazon who has presumably been training and fighting with her fellow warriors her whole life, would definitely choose a more practical look that draws on Greek

Now playing

Here's the thing though- if it was just the height issue, you shouldn't be seeing it in the promotional images. In the Marvel films, if you pay attention, Black Widow's scenes are cut juuuust right to obscure the wedges and in fight scenes where you can see her feet, she's depicted in flats.

I would probably still not take that chance. It's a bit of a gamble- your friend maybe didn't have a problem, but that doesn't mean that nobody had a problem. And they were a block away, as you said, not in the actual house.

As others have mentioned, you could potentially end up with murder groupie weirdos treating your house like a tourist destination. Maybe not so much with regular old violent crime or suicides, but with this guy who was very probably a serial killer? It's a definite possibility.

I study epidemiology, bro. You aren't telling me anything I didn't learn my first year of grad school (it's called the Hygiene Hypothesis, btw). What matters here is the type of bacteria. If you're looking for probiotic benefits, yogurt or kefir would do you a lot better. And even if you do drink raw milk, you sure as