Good news! A friend shared this with me today:…
That's what I figured they were going for, which is why I didn't worry too much about it. The phrasing they used was just kind of unfortunate.
As I've mentioned elsewhere (although I can't remember if it was here or io9), I actually see this movie as a stepping stone to getting a Captain Marvel movie. If they keep the back-stories/alien species the same as in the comics, this movie should introduce us to, or at least mention, the Kree. There's been some…
Yeaaaah I noticed that, too. It's the only thing in the trailer where I was like "Ummm... guys? What are you doing?" I'm hoping it's not as bad as the phrasing makes it sound (i.e. maybe Quill got it on with a Duchess and she was down with it but since she was royalty or something it was considered a no-no, or some…
I know right? I am gonna be at the theater like every damn weekend.
I think it might just be based on other major release dates, figuring in what people who will see this movie are likely to see. You'd want at least one weekend between you and whatever else is coming out that your demo wants to watch, I would guess.
That's all it really takes to break down herd immunity.
Dude, if this happened, and you chose not to do any further vaccinations (which is not necessarily the choice you have to make- I had an adverse reaction to the DTAP as a child, but I got all my other shots), then that counts as a medical vaccine exemption. Your kid has a known allergy to a vaccine component.
So, I should probably not even dignify that with a response, but f*ck it. Couple of things:
As I just posted elsewhere in the thread, Iberian boar populations have only limited natural predation (their predator, wolves, are only found in one part of the country, while boars are pretty much all over). So, even if he isn't hunting for sustenance, that doesn't mean that his hunting here is ethically…
His heart's in the right place, of course, but William's stance is just a little undermined by the fact that the week before the conference, he and Harry went boar hunting in Spain.
::deleted for reading comprehension fail::
Those outfits are ridiculous. I must find out what they were skating too that would warrant them.
Is that the same pair? Also what on earth could the theme of that be? It looks kind of... space-y?
I was just trying to explain to someone- I'd bet anything that the fabrics matched when they picked them out. But, the top is sheer, so once it is on her, it has slightly peachier color to it, since her skin shows through the sheer. So we end up with a peachy neon pink sitting on a magenta-y neon pink and they don't…
I love this outfit in theory, but the fact that the top and the pants are slightly different pinks is driving me a bit nutty. I said something similar about Tara Lipinski's weirdo flower thing with pink blazer outfit the other day- the colors need to be either the same or different enough to contrast. Here, especially…
I've been wearing an Enell sports bra for about a year and a half now. It is the ugliest bra on the planet, but it compresses like whoa and it doesn't move around for judo, so I give it a solid thumbs up. If at all possible, go someplace that sells it in store to get fitted the first time you get one.