
Same here. I could never keep a gym schedule going until I took up judo. After I got into it, I was able to get into doing other stuff as training (weight training and cardio days). Other than some down time for injuries, I've been amazingly consistent about hitting the gym, especially compared to previous times I had

Totally get you on that. I'm super anxious and a lot of my anxiety is focused around my weight. Like, I'm not comfortable eating alone in the caf at work because I feel judged about whatever I'm eating, even though I know no one actually cares.

If you haven't already, I strongly recommend listening to just about any interview Greg Sestero did in the lead up to the books release. I especially enjoyed his guest spot on How Did This Get Made and his interview on the Fogelnest Files.

I've listened to multiple interviews with Greg Sestero and I have to say. Nope. Does not ruin it at all. I think probably the reason it doesn't is that even Sestero, who seems to actually be pretty good friends with Wiseau and actually was roommates with him for a while, can't even make sense of him. If anything, the

If I may ask, what did you have instead of narcolepsy? I have maybe narcolepsy (we were never able to properly confirm it because I suck at not being anxious as hell during the MSLT) and am also quite heavy. I also have been heavy forever and have disordered eating which involved skipping meals thanks to previously

If she's physically and mentally healthy, does it matter how quickly she lost it? I don't see why she's a 'bad example' to young women.

While I do not want this lady to get bodysnarked (I really, really don't), I'd like to hope that this reaction might help the general public/media to realize that the whole premise of the show is unhealthy.

I'm from Pittsburgh and live in Michigan now. Right there with you. Are they at least taking care of the hills? The roads are total shit up here.

Someone else mentioned dreaming with color and what not. Do you guys have other senses come in too? At least talking to other people, I think not everyone has every sense in their dreams. I ask because I know, at least for me, a dream with tactile sensations is always the most distressing. I had a nightmare the other

Not everyone's.

Well, I can kind of get what she was saying, although I don't think it applies in her case. My mom took me to Weight Watchers when I was 13 and has done a lot of things that have negatively impacted my body issues (anxiety, disordered eating tendency).

Hey everyone, I haven't read the article yet, but it feels like an appropriate forum for some bullshit that went down in my life this week. Some disclaimers:

Cool. I'll read through it. I'm hoping my bank switches me over when I get my next card. ::fingers crossed::

Now playing

Because I'm a horrible person, my brain kept picturing this happening to the bit from around 1:40 in "Threw it on the Ground." Just, the person in charge of lunch throwing the food away and then yelling "WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, JACKASS!" at a kid. Which is terrible, of course, but does encapsulate how fucking

Did they say which banks are switching over?

Hahaha no problem. I don't have a tumblr yet (I keep procrastinating on making one), but I'll send it your way when I do :D I know I keep bringing up Pacific Rim on here, which people are probably all kinds of tired of lol

Holy shit, Max Martini is going to be in this? ::checks wiki, googles character::

I shower every day, but shampoo every other day. My hair is mad thick and gets gross if I shampoo too often. I shampoo more often if I'm working out a lot, especially if I'm swimming. I don't like wearing a swim cap, so I have to use anti-chlorine shampoo. If I do start using shampoo more than every other day, I

I found out recently via Tumblr that one of the cut scenes from Pacific Rim (and not one of the cut scenes to make it onto the DVD extras) included shirtless Idris Elba. Tumblr reaction: "YOU CUT THAT? YOU MONSTERS." I must agree with them.

For real. He sold it so hard that the Hulk went from my least favorite of the team to tied for favorite (next to Chris Evans as Steve Rogers of course). Like, I would go see a solo Hulk movie if he was in it. I have never even considered going to any of the previous Hulk movies.