Oh man this sketch is hard to watch. I was never quite THAT bad, but like... I knew these exact people. So watching this I get like embarrassed for them. This sketch is right on the money though.
Oh man this sketch is hard to watch. I was never quite THAT bad, but like... I knew these exact people. So watching this I get like embarrassed for them. This sketch is right on the money though.
Holy balls. Like. I was learning Japanese and kind of an anime dork when I was in early high school, and I could see my dumbass teenage self saying some shit like that, but the "I'm obsessed with Japanese people" part... damn. Even 14 year old me would be like WHAT to that.
The dress she was wearing wasn't even a kimono! It was some weird modified version of a cheongsam (which is not Japanese at all). If she's going to obsess on/fetishize another culture, you'd think she could manage to get the basics correct.
I have to give major props to her make-up artist, because that is some pretty good cosplay gender switch make-up. Maybe a little too heavy for the format (since we'll see her up close), but it was actually not a bad job at all.
I used to believe I was experiencing a ghost when I was in a dorm, but have since been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. So, 10:1 the things I thought I felt and heard were symptoms (sleep paralysis and hypnogogia).
I am super into academic discussions of fandom hahaha. I spent WAAAAY too much time analyzing stuff like this.
I also think we can probably break up and differentiate some ships. Obviously, this comment will still be generalizing, but I think different ships get popular for different reasons. The way my friends and I talk about it, it normally comes down to:
Hmm... that's an interesting argument, especially since usually figure skating scores the more "artistic" (read: dainty and pretty) skaters higher than more "technical" (read: athletic and muscular) skaters.
I stopped watching this show, but I loved this kid when I did watch. I feel like she's going to grow up and be a real life version of an Aubrey Plaza character.
Take your stuff back to the USAir baggage claim at the airport to make the claim or they won't do shit. I don't drive so I couldn't take my stuff there so I just had to deal with the water damage.
I'm pretty consistently 22/24. My calves are the leanest part of my body and are giant because I lift a lot. My boots fit pretty good except for the laces up to mid-calf, so I just went on the interwebs and bought some extra long laces for them. I too will never wear knee high boots, unless I get them custom made.
Never, EVER fly through Philly, especially if you're going to end up in Terminal F. I hate that airport. I've never had a flight be not delayed there. The customer service sucked, but that might have just been USAir (who suck, but I have to use when school pays for things unless I'm flying international). That video…
I know they aren't the prettiest options, but I'm plus sized as well and tend to gravitate towards men's hunting and athletic gear. I've been wearing a Carhartt jacket and know that I can fit in a men's XXL Under Armored fitted cold gear turtleneck with no problems. My boots are from a surplus store. How do you do…
The layers thing- my thin layers are still thinner than what people typically layer up. Like, the shirt I wear under the thin hoodie I mentioned is usually like a wife beater and the hoodie is the jacket I have to wear to make that shirt moderately work appropriate.
The AC thing- I sympathize with that dude. I have a pretty good cold tolerance- I grew up in Western PA, where it doesn't get that cold, but my commute to work was mostly walking, so I spent much time in the what cold we did have. My hair sort of froze once. I'm in Michigan (Detroit adjacent) and generally my winter…
Jenny McCarthy's special future children thing is my favorite way to question her credibility. "Reason 1 you should not listen to this person: when showing signs of developmental problems her first response was 'well clearly my child is a one of the X-Men.'" I feel like there is nothing else that needs to be added.
lol people always make that comparison, but I despise NGE, so I prefer to think of NGE as Utena for boys haha.
Maybe they should just scrap the regular show and start a series of shorts called like "Storytime with Si" where he can just tell us his batshit insane stories or watch him have tea parties with the kids again haha. Whatever crazy bullshit he's up to, even when it appears to be a set up, is really the only part of the…
Oh, do allow me to help. Overall, I'm kind of eh on the show, but I always got the impression that Si was legit kind of a weirdo (though they probably feed him some lines) and that the sons seem reasonably chill.