
I may or may not have recently spent an embarrassing amount of money to get the full series (plus the movie and like a shitload of extra stuff) on dvd and totally don't have the theme song and Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku on my mp3 player.

Off topic: is your icon the rose crest from Utena??? If so, we need to be friends, as I am moderately obsessed with that show.

I'd wager the reason is probably something along the lines of a problem with one of the neurotransmitter signalling pathways. Maybe a variant form of a transporter or receptor or something, messing with the regulation of a neurotransmitter, and that happens to cause both sets of symptoms. I'd guess serotonin, since

I have basically spent the last hour sending this to my friends yelling LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT IIIIIT! and cackling madly.

Off topic: while looking for appropriate gifs to use in my replies here, I came across this. It is... inexplicable and I must share it.

I enjoyed the video where they interview the girl who is running the camp, particularly the bit where she said to shift the focus from "negativity," they told the kids they weren't going to be "killing," they would be "collecting lives." How in seven hells is that kind of serial killer talk better and more positive??

I'm not sure I understand why the older stuff is a children's show. I'm 25 and only just started watching it and it doesn't read as kid show to me at all. Like, when my friend showed me the pilot, there was murder and human sacrifice and cavemen getting eaten by prehistoric animals. The Genesis of the Daleks thing is

Now playing

The older stuff, at least that I've seen, is much better. I'm fairly new to the show, but my friend started me off with 4 and I pretty much immediately latched on to Sarah Jane (to the point where she'd sell me on episodes I wasn't sure if I would like by saying "oh, and Sarah Jane is in this one"). I tried to find

So, my friend is a super hardcore Whovian, and she's been dragging me in recently (although she shows me the old stuff for the most part). I was talking with her about this and she said that theoretically the Doctor can regenerate into a woman, based mostly on when Romana regenerated- among the forms she tried out

Aw man, I am so irrationally angry that that shirt only comes in youth sizes.

Did you ever get the "Do you really need that?" when getting second helpings? My mom also watched us like a hawk I got that particular line all the time.

I saw that video as well. He did a similar run down on Enrique Inglesias' Tonight which is probably still my favorite video of his.

Are you me? ::solidarity fist bump::

I enjoyed the interview he and Kate gave that basically casually told everyone OMG GO HOME. For example:

I do that too!!


I guess I'm kind of weird, because when I looked at this, the first place my brain went wasn't Disney, it was "Huh, it looks like they're going to rip off the group dynamics from MLP, except we seem to be missing Applejack." Because I'm seeing Rainbow Dash, ?, Rarity, ?, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. Either of the ? could

Helen Mirren is pretty much the greatest always. I may or may not have a massive crush on her.

I was thinking more that they might -willfully- be doing a shitty job. ESPECIALLY once it came to light that the person in charge of this case was also the person in charge of the case with the woman serving 20 years for a warning shot. Like, was the state government interfering with the case? etc etc.