
Ball looked good yesterday but I don’t expect anybody here to acknowledge that because Deadspin.

Hating on a kid because his father is a loud mouth is pretty dum.

What you might be missing is how the idea of being loved by another race validates you more than being with your own

But that’s one and the same! She attacked this film for depicting an interrelationship! The OP is suggesting that the brown man being with a white woman is bad and somehow erases brown women. How else should it be taken? I’d get your point if she actually wrote an article about how the movie industry treats brown

jokes or as comically one-dimensional characters

Those are two sides to the same coin. This movie is about an interracial relationship between two Americans, one of South Asian descent and other of European descent. The female romantic lead is necessarily not-brown. By suggesting that the romantic female lead should be brown because otherwise it is “erasure” of

Get real! You know, as most people know, that in the context of the west, particularly North America, the meaning of Desi has expanded to include all people of South Asian descent living in the west. And it was never an exclusively Punjabi word. You’re just being a contrarian now.

There are far more white guy with brown girl movies than brown guy with white girl movies. How many movies feature a South Asian male protagonist who has a white female romantic lead, other than this one?Sorry, but hollywood NEVER green lights projects like this. What it sounds like to us is this author doesn’t want

Of course it’s not the same but it’s not like its easy for the men either.

It probably was love! The guys and gals who do that aren’t purposefully out to hurt people, it’s just that they don’t realize how strong the pressure of family obligation and duty can be, trapping themselves into the illusion that they can be just as free as their white American counterparts to love whom they want.

The fact that you conveniently leave out of your narrative is that many of these “prospective brides” probably had white boyfriends that they didn’t tell their parents about it.

Sure it’s unfair, it’s unfair to everyone involved, including the men who are under extreme pressure to consider the arranged options yet are living their lives meeting and interacting with all these non-Muslim, non-South Asian women. You act like men are having their cake and eating too, trying to be players or

No, not in Islam. The brides family doesn’t have to give a dowry in Islam. I’m particularly focusing on Islam because the character was Muslim. Technically, the man is supposed to provide a Mahr or gift to the bride. The character is South Asian so perhaps they’ve adapted those traditions but the Pakistani Muslims I

I am aware of them. The Former kept Chinese out of the country but that was hardly same as being excluded within one’s own nation.Exclusive immigration policies are racist but not oppressive. Also, the internment of Japanese lasted half a decade and they got reparations.

But he wasn’t mean or impolite. It was clear that his recoil was instinctual. He was literally taken aback.

Dirk is insufferable and so are his fans. I wish someone would dick kick him back to the 3rd Reich.

Why the hate for Kobe?

In regards to your 2, there are a lot of black romances out there. I actually think that the studio historically would prefer a same race couple over an IR couple. Sorry, but I just don’t see this plethora of MOC/WW movies/shows that are supposedly being made. This movie is being talked about precisely because movies

But western media is not uncomfortable with love stories between people of color! That has been the historical norm when it comes to stories about POC. Media representations of interracial relationships have historically been ignored or “pathologized.” Every instance of Brown men/White women relationships mentioned in

Are you purposefully ignoring all those black rom coms and love stories featuring a black woman/black man or do you mean that it’s only worthwhile to be loved by a white person?