
It is not cultural appropriation to accurately say that you have some Native American ancestry.

On the other hand, they’ve also been a godsend for those of us who were adopted/are trying to find their birth families and half-siblings. So like anything, it’s about what you use it for I suppose.

On one hand I agree, on the other hand I think it’s worthwhile for people to see how interconnected we we all are abs that everyone came from somewhere. I think it contributes to a global perspective. If being 2% Malaysian forces someone to care about Malaysia more, I call that a success. 

I think the majority of people who say they “got the flu after getting the flu shot” just don’t know the difference between a cold and the flu. The flu doesn’t fuck around, it’ll fucking knock you out for a week (and at its worst, kill you).

So you’re a selfish asshole who doesn’t care about other people then?  Got it. 

I am so glad you can do your research to determine you shouldn’t get the flu shot. Be sure to tell all the doctors and people who work at the CDC that you figured it all out. 

You completely and utterly fail to justify skipping the flu shot. 40% is better than the complete lack of risk reduction that happens without the flu shot. Spreading the flu can kill. That’s the entire gist of this article — Is your questionable justification for skipping the flu shot really worth the potential harm

When you have a limited sample size, randomness can severely skew the outcomes.

Why? Because you live in this civilization, and should take some ownership for how you can negatively impact it. Why? For the reasons outlined in this very article. Why? Because selfish people harm society.

Her choice of charity is both very fitting, and a really great burn to the orange twatwaffle.

Um why not listen to doctors then who are not calling you an asshole? If your only reason that you don’t get a flu shot is because a gawker blogger used a curse word in the title of an article then I hope natural selection takes you out without endangering anyone else.

Apparently it did have one complication, it turned you into a mouth breathing moron incapable of understanding how safe the vaccine is today. Either that or you were just stupid before.

Well in their defense you do sound like an asshole.

If this is your reaction to the story, then it was absolutely meant for you.

Selfishness is my best guess. Even if they personally don’t know any elderly people or young children, they know this could protect people who have weak immune systems, but refuse to do so out of some twisted form of exceptionalism. They might trot out the bald face lie that the shot gives you the flu or some other

So they can remain insufferable about it.

Nothing could be more American than refusing to do something that benefits other people.

Why? They have tried polite for many years, this is for the selfish assholes who need to listen up. If that does not include you then see plenty of other politely asking articles and facts out there.

This is why the internet should not have been created. 

Solid pile of bullshit right there. If I didn’t know anything about science, I might have been tricked into thinking you did.