
You deal with heavy stuff at work. Thank you for whatever it is that you do for these people.

This is something I posted on a thread about secondary infertility above:

About number 1. it is all up to how you feel the most comfortable but online dating gives you access to more people.

I am in awe of you. THANK YOU for doing that for those men and for society. WOW! What an amazing thing to do.

I do not have advice but maybe it will be nice to hear that some of us recognize that there is wisdom, effectiveness, institutional and industry knowledge and seriousness that only comes with age. I hope you find a manager that sees that and offers you a job.

I did ask about that and he said he can’t imagine talking to a therapist about it. He doesn’t think he would go if I make an appointment. But someone else suggested that he should try do do things he has been avoiding every week. I am hoping that he likes that idea and maybe choosing a therapist or being open to going

I struggled to conceive my first for 2 years. My only advice is to focus on the proactive things you are doing now. I never had miscarriages but I did have those spiraling moments when I would think about what if this doesn’t work and that doesn’t work and we end up out thousands of dollars and no baby and my husband

I want to sign up :D. I currently live in Texas but we are probably moving soon. Where are you starting?

I like this! Power hours sounds like something i would like to encourage. he doesn’t need to start by going to therapy. he could start by tackling small things (and there are many) that he is avoiding right now. I like it. I l will discuss this with him :D

:( I am sorry for your loss.

Advice about a brother with anxiety needed:

Do they have paid sick leave? If they do then yeah they suck if they do not then get angry at your management and and US labor regulations that do not give everyone paid sick leave.

Perfect answer! I want to be that quick on my feet one day. If it had been me I would have just gotten red with anger and said something much less classy.

Do you know any dreamers? because the immigration proposal from the WH would give them a path to citizenship but step up deportations for their parents and rob them of the ability to ever help their parents legalize their status. They themselves have repeatedly rejected that. I have relatives who are dreamers and I

I am furious about this immigration proposal from the WH drafted by Miller . I have relatives that are DACA recipients. I am also a naturalized citizen that has the means to bring my mom here if I want to and my children and I have the right to have my mom and their grandma here if we want. I am furious! Blocking me

If the “Rising American Electorate” is not motivated enough after a year of this monster then we deserve to go under.

NO, sorry. This is on us. WE vote. It is time that all of us take responsibility for what WE did! WE let this happen and WE may let this happen again. If we keep covering for those who will not vote or vote third party or vote republican because (democrats just did not convinced me enough) we will never get out of

I know we sound like scratched records but so much this! Also Sonia Sotomayor had a health scare. People! get it together and try to flip the Senate ASAP!!

It is incredible with how much bullies get away with in the American workplace. I was relentlessly bullied during my first pregnancy by a woman. HR of course did nothing. Leadership completely ignored my situation. I ended up quitting. I was the 4th person quitting on her team of 4 (some people she hired to replace

People need to remember that republicans have the numbers to fund whatever the heck they want. It is them who do not want to fund CHIP because they hate immigrants or because they love the military soooooo much that they rather endanger children than think of having the military not have a gignormous budget. We need