
Again, you are showing your ignorance. You show that you have thought about it exactly 0 minutes. You show that you are repeating some ideas someone (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a religious person) told you while growing up and you have not had the time to evaluate for yourself. You probably have no children and

Apparently Teh knows many poor people who take drugs and that triumphs statistics. Anecdotes always triumph statistics ladies and gentlemen!

You really have no idea how hard it is for both adoptees and people who give up children for adoption for the rest of their lives. I recommend this book in case you care to enlighten yourself a bit

And this is getting worse since now states can require adults to prove that they are working or volunteering to get healthcare. Many red states are also requiring people to submit to a drug screening to get food stamps of welfare even though researchers have already proven that the people who need those programs are

There are definitely very anti-choice OBGYNs. I worked for one briefly. He obviously did not work for an abortion clinic but I wonder what he would do in one of those ambiguous cases where an abortion may or may not save the mother’s live. What did he do when he encountered ectopic pregnancies? What about

There are definitely very anti-choice OBGYNs. I worked for one briefly. He obviously did not work for an abortion clinic but I wonder what he would do in one of those ambiguous cases where an abortion may or may not save the mother’s live. What did he do when he encountered ectopic pregnancies? What about

Honest questions: how did she say yes later? You waited until she put your hand on her boob? How long did that take?

I agree. She did not even say she was afraid. She sounds more conflicted than afraid.

What are the feminist sex wars?

There are instances where fear plays a role but I do not understand why it has to play a role every single time. Grace does not even say that she was afraid. She sounds more conflicted than afraid to me. I think that always assuming that any woman in any kind of sexual situation with a man is always afraid of

Why not both?

I have to confess that it is confusing to me. I am a few years older than Aziz. I never did the hook up thing. But I have heard that young people these days are pretty adventurous sexually. People that are just a couple of years older than me considered oral and annal sex a way more serious thing than vaginal sex and

Yes I agree. Instead of a well written story that would prompt us to start discussing consent right away this is a story that left me with my head spinning for a few hours. I wish they had not immediately linked it to the #metoo movement.

Yes. I mean it is a tragedy but I know what you mean. My mom was shocked when she met the daughter (now a grown up woman) for the first time and saw that she uses her mom’s mannerisms. My mom had been a friend of the woman who died so it was shocking for her to see how much the daughter resembles her mom (which is

I believe mannerisms are genetic to a degree. My father’s second cousin died in childbirth (RIP) but her daughter has the same mannerisms as her mom. She never met her mom and she grew up seeing her mom’s family just sporadically since her parents had moved far away from our hometown when they got married. So she did

Those while liberals are common here in Splinter. And yes, the whole: democrats are playing identity politics and that is why they are losing is a way to say stop caring about women and minorities and start catering to white men who “care about the economy”

Lots of surgeons, ortho surgeons and neuro surgerons are abundant in leadership roles in the institutions I have worked on, some anesthesiologists, one OBGYN but he was a prolife OBGYN so he may have sucked for different reasons.

You may not like it but it is true. It is not your character I judge but doctors are told their whole careers that they are the most brilliant people. Most of you believe it. You are told again and again that you are short of demigods because you had good grades in school, had to survive hard schooling and cure

I agree. We need more scientists, teachers, civil servants, etc running for office. Not doctors though. A good government lead or legislator is humble enough to listen to policy experts. Doctors are just NOT humble enough. I have seen some amazing nurses doing great job as state legislators. I am all up for them.

It is possible that your region of the country is not feeling any recovery. It is also true that even thought the labor market is tight overall there are many workers that fell off the labor force and are having a difficult time to come back. As I said before, this is not the 90s. We are doing better but we still have