
I am an economist. I am going to bed now but I want to say: the economy is doing pretty good. I fully believe the numbers because I have worked in the agencies that gather them. Those statisticians are professionals, the economists that create and maintain the economic numbers put a lot of thought into defining and

I am still my own person. I do not have as much time to devote to my own interests but my own interests are still very much part of my life. I kept all my friends that have no kids. I actually enjoy seeing my kid free friends a lot. I enjoy having conversations that aren’t about potty training and toddler beds. I

I think that Fox has been a big part of all of this. They have normalized the most open forms of racism. Fox News is a cancer in America, if someone should be deported is them.

I’m reading an LBJ biography and honestly it seems to me that back in the 50s and 60s the midwestern and east coast states’ people were better at recoiling at openly racist people. They do not even do that anymore apparently! The way that Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania gave that disgusting anus the vote is

Yep. It’s all about keeping their gender ratios balanced. My friend says that nobody wants to be seen as a “women’s college” by having more than 51% women in the freshman class. aaaaghhhhh

I have talked to men about harassment in academia, even when I tell them my experiences with harassment they are skeptical. They tell me this is a one time thing, not a spread out problem. I think that seeing this list may open their eyes. At least it gives me a reference when men start to dismiss my stories as a one

They already have and they have been doing it for years. I know someone who worked in admissions 10 years ago and 10 years ago male students already had it easier getting into the Ivy League university my friend worked in because female students are just much more qualified. Nobody talks about it I do not know why.

The people who already calls us libtards are not going to change. There are however many people who are only vaguely aware of politics and yet still vote (sadly) and they vote with their gut (sadly) and with those, especially if they are women bringing the accusers would work. You guys want the democrats to not fuck

Hillary did not sexually assaulted anyone. It would be nice if feminists stopped judging women for their husband’s deeds.

But I thought you guys consider every child a gift from God. Are you saying she should have rejected a gift from God?

Does the DNC back state senators? Maybe this is the NY democratic party.

Thank you. I just inferred this from reading about this ruling today but your post explains it well.

We have to make our part though. We need to show the democrats that grassroots donations and campaigns work better than catering to donors. In other words: vote people and if you can, donate too.

I am a Mexican immigrant now naturalized citizen and I get so furious when people said they were the same. My FIL (WASP wealthy guy) told me: yes Trump is president but nothing has really changed. I was red! Nothing has changed? Nothing has changed??? The WaPo has a picture of a Salvadoran grown up man crying in the

That makes sense. I wonder why I don’t remember my doctor mentioning that. I am glad my story gives you hope! Stay hopeful. It took three tries for me :D so if the first and second do not work do not despair!!

We used IUI! I did not know that there is a possibility that one has to give the shot to oneself. My nurse did it for me the three times we did it. In my experience I was hopeful the first and second tries but by the time the second try did not take I was so sad and thinking it wasn’t going to work, but it did! So try

Good for you for leaving a toxic work environment. Those environments can be more harmful than people realize.

I have to wait until we (my husband and kids and I) move to our new location to look for jobs there. We are moving this summer and I think it would be unwise to start applying now when I can’t even be in my new city until June at the earliest. I am dealing with this forced pause with Netflix, books, walks by the

Not “the dems” WE, ALL of us are fucking this up. If we allow Truymp to win again I do not fucking care if the dems ran a fucking potato in pants if we do not vote against Trump WE FUCKED UP.