My white husband is learning to make tamales tomorrow :D.
My white husband is learning to make tamales tomorrow :D.
All republicans and republican voters are rife with contradictions. How can anyone can themselves Christian and support this? And yet they do and they can sleep at night better than you and me.
And the fact that so many of us consider themselves Christian while supporting such cruel policies is infuriating. Ok, be cruel and heartless but don’t call yourself Christian then.
Exactly, perhaps we should discuss what is it that makes their constituents send them to Washington over and over and how we can change that.
I am only in my 30s and I believe that there is definitely wisdom that only comes with age. Some old people are perfectly capable of representing their constituents. I have seen jackasses in their 30s and 40s completely fuck things up because they are too arrogant to realize they still have some walking in life to do.
Another factor I have heard is hindering the ability of workers to get jobs is the inability of workers to pass drug tests. I am not sure how I feel about that. Does the inability to pass a mariguana test makes someone a bad worker? mmmh perhaps for some positions firms should get rid of the drug test requirement.
Like Areyoureallylistening said the unemployment rate only includes those actively looking for a job and the recession discouraged many people who would like to work from even looking so they are not counted as unemployed (because they are not looking) but they are counted as out of the labor force. That number (the…
YES! Exactly! This is what I keep telling people. These are fetuses the very precious fetuses Republicans say the care about.
They don’t care about fetuses either. Do not be mistaken. Thousands of fetuses depend on CHIP for health insurance. They don’t give a damn about fetuses either. They only care about forcing women to be pregnant when they don’t want to.
Almost 8 years ago Democrats passed a piece of legislation that made many voters angry but gave millions of Americans health insurance. Please stop with the BS that “you don’t know what democrats stand for” and “they have no message” and “all politicians are the same”. They may be the same in the sense that both…
Childcare, maternity leave, job protection that includes being free of harassment while pregnant or free of harassment for being a mom, healthcare for moms and fetuses, healthcare for newborns,...when they tell me how that tax credit helps me pay for ALL OF THAT! I will start believing they have done something for me.…
I am a mom, not a single one. I do not feel like the GOP has helped me at all. I do not have maternity leave. They want to cut Medicaid which covers mostly pregnant women and children. I was horribly harassed in my job while pregnant and you know what I could do about it? NOTHING until they fired me (which they did…
Would somebody please think of the corporations?!
But Medicaid is a worthy cause. There are certain things only the government can provide efficiently.
OMG the racism among Latinos is so embarrassing for me personally. My family are pretty indigenous looking. My grandpa looks 100% indigenous. Yet, my cousins and some of my siblings think they are “gueritos” ha ha ha WTF? My cousin’s daughter saw a picture of a Mexican indigenous woman once in a book and pointed at it…
I am sorry to hear that pain is an important component of it. But honestly, I get it I live in Texas where many Latinos are republican. It seems to me that non-black Americans hate black people way more than they hate Latinos and that when you are black nothing protects you. Many Texan Latinos feel like they are…
Yes, we voters need to learn how important every election is, every single one.
I do want to know your secret guys. I am Latina and it floors me to see Hispanic women supporting Trump. There are few but they definitely exist and it is not a small percentage. 25% of non college educated Hispanic women voted for Trump. 19% of college educated Hispanic women voted for Trump. That is 1 in 4 and 1 in…
Respectfully, that sounds like wishful thinking. I live in Texas, in the suburb of a big city. I don’t think O’Rouke will win. He has no chance. I donate to his campaign every quarter. My husband met him in person and everything. We do what we can but he will not win. Being young and willing to travel Texas is not…
I would not despair until we see by how many points Jones loses. This is Alabama. If Jones loses by let’s say 5% or so we have all the right to be cheerful. The republicans may be willing to throw shit at the wall but a 5% difference in Alabama would indicate that suburban voters are also running away from the shit…