
This is very useful advice.

My husband donated from outside Alabama. Thank you for donating. Thank you for voting.

Oh so many people think exactly that way. It is scary.

Part of what you are asking us is to speak up for others.

I think my frustration just like Jan’s is that the truth is that uou have not told us what we can actually do. Do you want us to engage? How? many of us do not find these threads do not follow every post and comment in this site. But it seems like many in this thread are implying that because of that we are

I agree with Jan’s response. I know this is causing you and others anxiety but it is also not nice for the rest of us to come to SNS where we expect baby pictures and craft updates and find that it is all a nasty thread where it seems like some commenters find one complicit for simply not keeping up with the

I understand that you are invested in this but you are being very nasty to jinny. Even Short who is the alleged bullied is being more understanding on where jinny comes from. It takes away from your objective if you start negatively engaging with others while professing to defend victims of bullying.

No weird things happening to me but I also get those visual migraines. I haven’t had one in 2 years! Which is great because they freak me out.

Thanks for posting about this. I will definitely buy a toy and sing some cards.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement immediately after Conyers’s announcement: “I particularly take any accusation of sexual harassment very seriously. ... We are at a watershed moment on this issue.”

AW thanks!!

ha ha it’s my family and I love them but I agree with you! And there are so many nice things to see in my city! They did not even give me a chance to show them around.

Aw sounds lovely

I met my husband at 28 years old and 6 months. My MIL met my FIL in her 30s and they have been together for almost 40 years.

Can I hijack your comment a little while I commiserate? My family came from another country. It was their first Thanksgiving. I tried to make it really nice and teach them about the holiday. They could not care less. Their plane landed on Sunday but Monday morning they drove to a bigger city near mine to go to the

I definitely took pictures like that in college with a non digital camera and I graduated college way before 2006. I can’t be the only idiot that did that :D

My mom, siblings, nieces, etc. all live in another country. I know it is hard to stop using social media when your family lives away but I have done it successfully for almost 2 years now. But it costs me half of my Saturday. I made a point to call my mom, sister, brothers and nieces every Saturday and talk to them

I donate to the DSCC and they are telling donors that they are involved. I think it is a good idea for the national committees to help him but be quiet about it. We don’t want another Ossoff and honestly just hearing about the Washington democrats makes most Alabamians more likely to vote for Moore, not less.

I don’t think it’s an issue with the party. I think it is an issue with the voters. They are all idiots. You want the democrats to “fight Trump” so you won’t like if they reach out or work with him. Some other liberals want them to “win back the white working class vote” which implies not fighting Trump too hard,