
I went to a private school in a state with high state income taxes. I did not pay a lot in taxes because my stipend put me in a low income bracket but having an increase in taxes would have probably been very burdensome. The problem is that I was making very little money to begin with.

I survived my PhD years literally eating pasta one day and hot dogs the next. I can’t fathom having had to pay even more in taxes than I did back then.

Wearing swasticas seem to be acceptable. Some very fine people are doing it. Wearing the confederate flag is ok. It was the flag waved by a hostile “nation” against our country but that is not you see a pattern there?

Good luck with everything.

But OMG PONIES is advocating for them to go to jail even if they were misguided and deserving of their kids love. I think this is what is frustrating to some of us.

I do think that it does harm in different degrees. I am not advocating for never punishing a parent who does that. However the punishment needs to fit the crime. I do not know the details of this case, neither am I an expert to know how severe a case is. And does punishment for the parent always have to involve jail

Yes. I also think that if we really want to reduce incarceration rates we need to think outside the box. Ok we throw the mom in jail, does that rehabilitate her? Is he incapable of being rehabilitated because she was raised in an abusive household and in a culture where those things are condoned? Should she not get to

For both. If there is any posibility of redemtion (and there is, that is why I told you the story of my MIL) the child may as well be better off in that household than in the foster care system. My husband was by all accounts a very happy child who had everything he needed and more and he recognizes that he was

Not a troll I swear but: I wonder if there are cases when we should not have 0 tolerance. Maybe jail is not the answer to everything. I know that there are cases where the man in a danger and he needs to be kept away from his partner or kids but is it possible that that is not always the case? It made me think of this

I admit that I did not ever suffer from physical abuse from either of my parents. My father was abusive but not physically. So I am not speaking from first-hand experience here but, I also understand that for many people especially if you were raised that way, hitting a child with a belt is just another way of

I still see a difference. I think I prefer the closeted racists that remain closeted to the ones that tell me at the supermarket line to speak English because this is America. Honestly all I want today is to do my damn grocery shopping in peace even if I know those closeted racists will be fuming about me speaking

They said all of that..and then Bernie came out to say single-payer single-payer Obamacare is not perfect and everyone forgot how important it was to keep talking about Medicaid and Obamacare. But Bernie is not a democrat so technically it wasn’t the democrats fault.

Thank God I thought I was the only one that was triggered by this administration. The rest of my family is lovely but the gasslighting, the lying with no consequences, the adoration of people for an asshole (my father is a minor local politician and former school principal), the rewarding of incompetence, the

I live away from most of my family so it is not hard anymore. I think that it is hard for my brother who is a pure soul and has forgiven my father and still speaks to him but with time my brother has also come to accept my decision.

Oh I am angry at them, no doubt especiallyat those who say that hillary needs to go away and then welcome this asshole but the commenter talked about white people and I think that there are people who fail us in most colors. I actually think black people, especially black women are the only blameless people here.

I do put them at the same level and so do most Mexicans I know. We on the contrary think that other Hispanics should not forget who the fuck they truly are. Gringos can be ignorant of our problems for many reasons so when they are aware and are good allies is actually more enocuraging for us. We are happy to see

Liberal elites are out of touch that is true, though liberal elites also come in all colors. Once again, my point here is that although many whites are imperfect allies, it is not like all POC are always on our side and perfectly aligned with us.

I said: there are people of all colors that make me angry. I certainly know Latinos that are brown and voted for Trump and I think that if we are going to be angry about who is an ally and who isn’t we shouldn’t prentend like all POC are in this together and the whites betray us all the time. I know some white people

I stopped communicating 10 years ago. It’s been great. My self esteem is much better. I am much less stressed. Don’t listen to the people that insist that you forgive him just because he is your father. Your sanity comes before everything.