
It is possible that he like many elderly Fox News watchers did not understand who the Dreamers were. His staff even said that he did not understand what ending DACA would mean. It is possible that being president finally gave him access to real information on these kids and he sees how unfair it would be. That concept

He has so much money! Why is he so stingy??

“Do you think the US govt. paid for our honeymoon and travel?” ha ha ha not they did not but it wasn’t because you did not ask them to.

If only she had been flexible enough to pander to racists like Donald was....I get it!!

Me too!!

ah yeah, he is not leading the charge to single-payer. Did you notice how hard Obamacare was? Single-payer will be way harder and Bernie does not have the brains to do it. This bill is 100% for show. He wants to show the dems who is master. He sucks. He should shut up and go away.

“I thought she sounded arrogant and stubborn in the interview, which is not that surprising since those tendencies likely contributed to her losing in the first place.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and Donald is humble and flexible? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your sexism is showing.

Introducing single-payer is a gimick to gain popularity. If we want to talk single payer we need a years long debate and a well thought out policy not a guy who doesn’t have the balls to register democrat twisting arms into signing on to a bill with a catchy name and who knows what consequences for the economy, the

As long as you also want Bernie to move on, fine and by move on I mean get registered as a democrat or get the hell out.

Are you a WOC? I am and I have always wanted to discuss this with another feminist WOC. It does bother me. I do not want to give white supremacists more fuel for their fire but at the same time well I am Latina and the Latin culture is very sexist. I KNOW that many white men are sexist but culturally speaking we have

Would that be possible? isn’t voting controlled by state legislatures?

The democrats: hey, guys, we have had all these ideas about how to help you from the beginning, from years ago. We lowered the uninsured rate by ourselves despite the fact that it turned out to be political suicide. We have other ideas, here is a list of ideas Hillary has ideas.

The democrats had kilometers and kilometers of ideas before the election. Nobody paid attention because emails.

I know two cases of professors that are friends of mine teaching mathematics at American universities. They did their PhDs here. One of them went to college here. She had to wait 10 years to get her green card which she got las November. She now needs to wait 5 years to become a citizen. She is tenured now, she got

I do not know who posts to their own social media if the women or the couple. In the discussion boards the women posts mostly.

I am currently pregnant and I some times browse some discussion boards about pregnancy. They some times post their pregnancy annoucements. I have noticed that some announcements are inspired on a hobby the couple shares like hiking or running, some are inspired on a hobby of the father of the baby like videogames and

I am a naturalized citizen. There is so much I could say about this but I will try to summarize:

I have never came in contact with ICE agents but border agents are rude petty bureaucrats on a power trip. Think your DMV workers but with way way more power, way way more complicated rules to follow and way way more vulnerable clients. Border agents are NOT knowledgeable on the very complicated immigration rules and

Are you Latino though? I am Latina and they ALWAYS ask for my documents first. They never ask if I am a US citizen (I am).

I wrote to Jez that they should write a post on this. I was very disappointed when they did not. I understand that most people that comment here care more about the Kardashians and topics like those but it just makes me sad. Anyway, someone analyzed the posts in an annonymous academic economics reddit-like site. It is