
We can’t hold those minimum wage workers hostage because others need them. I am sure many of those workers will still stay a little more if extra pay is given to them. I am also not advocating for them to be able to take 4 weeks off. But they should absolutely be protected for a few days at least. The policy could

We can also blame them for not having any policy in place that allows workers to miss a few days of work and have their jobs protected when there are evacuation orders. Florida is a hurricane prone place, come on!

I agree that the models do as best as they can. There was NO conspiracy to tell people that the hurricane was coming to Miami and then change it at the latest hour. Nobody knew that the forecasts were going to change at the l;atest hour...however, I agree with her in her opinion that your state is unprepared. Isn’t

Thanks. I am moving states next summer but after that I will definitely look into that. I have seen the kinds of lunatic or completely incompetent men that get to be congressmen and yeah more of us need to run.

I hope you win but if you lose do not give up. My FIL always encourages me to run. I am an immigrant that came to this country with a few dollars and two suitcases and now I have attained the American dream so people like my life story and have encouraged me to run. Anyway, my FIL was in government and he and my MIL

Seriously people! If you are not in the greys you have a responsibility not to star or reply to trolls.

My brother gets temporary visas to work in the US every year. It is exactly the kind of visa that Trump uses for cooks, maids and other staff at his hotels. This year my brother was brought to Florida first. He was then transferred to another state far from the path of this or any other hurricane. I am so glad that he

She is not asking, she is telling us what happened.

It’s funny. It is NOT the time to talk about climate change but for 90 republicans in the House and 17 in the Senate IT IS the time to talk about government cuts to offset the Harvey aid. 4 of those House republicans are Texan.

You are naive if you think that citizens do not get picked up in this raids. You know nothing. Do not speak of what you do not know. They would totally pick me up even though I am a naturalized citizen. It has happened to people I know.

I felt that way and after the DACA announcement I am full of rage. There is a commenter in Jezebel called Perravieja that ranted about how the white supremacists are fucked because we are more than them and re are having babies. It was all a big fuck you to them. I was like: yeah, fuck them all of them. I will keep

If they touch me they will feel the wrath of the family of lawyers I married into (3 generations of lawyers and part of my husband’s family teaches at a law school). Oh I want them to try and show up anywhere near me. They will regret ever having singed up to become Trump’s SS.

He kept an affair hidden for years. He was just being a dick. This isn’t a one time thing because he feel lonley or something.

Yeah, that woman (the CEO of WWH) is awesome may the godess bless us with many women like that through our lives.

One would hope that a crisis like this will enable Ted Cruz to realize that wanting to carve out maternity care from health insurance and making it a non-essential benefits in addition to cutting Medicaid funds is not saving any lives and he should apologize for his idiocy and quit as a Texas senator. Hopefully the

I know, like Ted Cruz wanting to carve out maternity care from health insurance therefore making maternity care more expensive and unattainable for millions of pregnant women with unborn children inside them, right? Or like republicans wanting to cut Medicaid which pays for maternity, birth and postparthum care for

Finding the money is not as easy when you are in this country in an already precarious condition. How would you find the money if your family is poor and has no access to any government services and if you are for example from Houston and your house is flooded or from Miami and you are running from Irma? There are

I have family who are DACA recipients and honestly your post seems more like an attempt to gratuitly hate on Nancy than an actuall outrage on behalf od DACAmented people. The Dems are seeing as collaborative? God that is the worst, right? What’s next? They being mature?

I hate Trump but I like how he humiliated Ryan today about the debt ceiling thing. This still doesn’t make me have any positive feelings toward Trump. I just like that he treated Ryan like inconsequential :P