
They would not revolt. People of color are underrepresented, gerrymandered, used, have no voice, and look at us peacefully coexisting with the white folks. One gets used to being voiceless. The rural whites will too.

My family in Houston were praising the mayor. They think he has been doing a great job...but then again, part of my family can’t vote and those who can are reliable democratic voters :(. I don’t know if the people who need to open their eyes will or if they will just be content with seeing pictures of Abbott handing

How do they have the audacity to try to push for a tax cuts for corporations now that FEMA needs billions is beyond me. I don’t know what fuckery they will try to with the “tax reform” bill I don’t know because one needs an evil mind to figure their tricks out.

Thank you for clarifying this. The electorate is SO DUMB. Most people are saying that we should focus on praying and donating and uniting as Americans and leave politics out of it. But doing this only enables terrible politicians that with their denial of climate change created this and will create more disasters. No,

The cruelty of this administration and the cruelty of republicans are astounding. 800,000 young men and women and all of their dreams destroyed in a second. I am sorry but if you vote republican you have no heart. I had a person telling me that republicans in Texas are not so bad and that Cruz and Abbott and the like

It is so scary just to think about it :(. It’s like when I was pregnant and I read absolutely no books about pregnancy because I was just terrified to think about what could go wrong. “Fortunately” my relatives do know people back home and I am sure the whole extended family would pitch in for them to have some time

Yeah that sounds like my relatives, one of them wants an engineering degree. My husband and I were preparing to pitch in for tuition once my relative transfers to a 4-year college. I hope he can still transfer but I fear he will lose his current job or get paid less when he loses his permit which could derail some of

Let’s take into account not only the cost of deportation but the economic growth they are currently bringing to this country. I mean when the CATO Institute is against a Republican president’s policy I mean.....”We estimate that the fiscal cost of immediately deporting the approximately 750,000 people currently in the

What can I do? I have relatives who have DACA and financially I will always have their backs (that’s what’s expected from me as an “elderly” in the family) I have donated to United We Dream. I’ll donate more today. I have called Cruz and Cornyn about it today. What else? I will do anything!

Imagine who is going to rebuild the schools and the whole city of Houston. I think like in New Orleans it will be a lot of the undocumented workers Trump and the republicans want to deport. Abbott should be thankful because SB4 was blocked. He will need every single one of those undocumented construction workers to

And we need to approach it from different angles. As I said before I have my way to do it but honestly who knows if it would have been better if I had changed my last name. I say, let’s try different approaches and hope for the best :)

I think we liberals some time navel gave and criticize too much. I totally understand her and I do believe she is doing her part of the job to make it easier for future generations. I have a foreign last name and I could have taken a WASP last name from my husband but I decided not to even though I am fully aware of

They seemed parishioners or followers more than workers.

I get it. I know, it is sad but I also think it’s true :(

My impression from reading several articles in the matter is that he never actually said the church was flooded. It was other people who said that. He kept quiet and never actually said why they did not open their doors until now. He is a clever motherfucker.

He tells people that they will get rich with minimal effort. People will do whatever to maintain the ilussion that that is possible. We are lazy animals.

Did you call Cruz and Cornyn? I do not have a lot of faith in them but you should try them and your congressman. Actually Congressman Lloyd Doggett usually helps people from anywhere in Texas. Try Beto O’Rouke too he is running for senator but he is currently a congressman too and he has an incentive to get a good

ha ha ha I live in Texas you idiot. See you around!

We really need that because I am in Texas right now and I know I KNOW that the people that put Cruz and Gohmert and Lamar Smith and the like in place are “feelling really bad for Houston” and “sending prayers” and then the motherfuckers will go and send them to congress again!! ugh I hate people.

Wondering? He probably already has a plan.