
Just like Texas republicans chose the moment when Americans suffer from poverty, disasters, unemployment to give them the middle finger. I hope you are as nasty to them when they vote to cut unemployment benefits in the middle of a recession or to not give disaster aid after a hurricane that did not hit a republcian

I have lived in other states, I have lived in other countries. Only people in Texas and in NYC are so stupidly proud of being from or living where they live. I know none of the two places will like the comparison but that is the truth. I am not tearing Texas down. I am speaking the truth. If it feels like I am tearing

That is a lame excuse. If most Republicans do not want people like Cruz they should not vote for him and yet MILLIONS of republicans voted for him and people just as vile as him. This is no excuse at all! If that is NOT what they want they could make their voices heard. There are moderate republicans. You are saying

Very well said!

I agree with building the party up. I am all for that. I have some health problems so I have been able to only go to some events organized by my local grassroots group but I do donate to them and other local progressive groups. I decided not to get an ACLU membership like many of my friends have and use that money to

For sure! I once got an email and the guy had that as his signature! But I have heard this more than once. It starts in kindergarden. I have a friend in Austin and her kids goes to a completely normal school and her kids already announced that the other day, that they were told they are Texans, not Americans :P

No I never said Texans deserve to get flooded. I live in Texas. I have family in Houston. But we need to stop pretending this is a purple state or that gerrymandering is to blame for all of our political monsters. I am the first to say that the people whose houses got flooded deserve compassion. I am just sad and

I live in Texas and I have for several years. I have family in Houston. My family in Corpus have evacuated. Now, many fellow Texans speak about how much of the affected areas are democratic and we shouldn’t punish them for being part of a hateful state. That may well be the case but then we (Texans) should cut the

The DNC entirely ignores Texas because in a good year the democratic presidential candidate loses by 9 percentage points. It is the rational thing to do. If you mean that more attention should be paid to congressional races then maybe you mean the DCCC.

Just a correction, the DNC works to elect the democratic president. The DCCC works to elect democratic members of congress.

Stay safe!

Gerrymandering does not affect governor, attorney general, lieutenant governor or federal senator elections. Those are statewide elections. NONE of those or some other minor positions that are elected with statewide elections are democrats. Not only that, those statewide elected politicians are some of the vilest most

Teach your students the importance of perseverance. You have lived it now.

I am ok and I have power. Thanks!!

I am not dismissing gerrymandering. But look, Abbott won against Wendy Davis by 21 points! That and all the other races I mentioned are STATEWIDE races that were won easily by terrible vile people. Gerrymandering plays absolutely no role in the election of governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and federal

I live in Texas you don’t need to explain that to me. But AGAIN: no amount of gerrymandering brought Paxton, Abbott, Patrick, Cruz and Cornyn into existence. It is time that we own our shit. There are terrible vile hateful people living in this state and they vote in hordes and they control it.

I live in Texas (close to but not directly on Harvey’s path) and have family in Corpus and Houston. My family and I are good people who voted for Hillary and reliably vote democrat...and I think your question is a complete fair question to ask. Texas is indeed full of idiots that hate the federal government. I wonder

I live in Texas too. I think we need to own our shit. Yeah several districts are gerrymandered and isn’t one of them the Corpus Christi one? I think Corpus should be democratic but it was gerrymandered not to be....BUT noboy gerrymandered Cruz, Abbott, Paxton, Cornyn and Dan Patrick into existence. There are many

I live in Texas, I am safe. I am telling you your feelings are completely understood. I am in the same boat.