Unnecessary Administration

Back when a greenhouse was actually like a greenhouse, and not like the slit windows on a bunker.

I see universal income happening soon. The reason is we aren’t far from a world without need in a 1st world country.

Why were Cutlass’ so popular back in this er? If you have to ask then you weren’t around. It’s like asking, why was disco music so popular? Pretty much because it got you laid. We’re talking about an era where a guy in red shirt and cowboy hat made a movie using a black Trans Am that was a two hour ad for for the

There’s also some serious misunderstanding about use of the word “profit” here. Sure the difference between purchase/invoice price and sale price is up, but volume is way down. This only translates to “raking in profits” if you have zero overhead.

While they are easy to modify you probably want to do that to something less clean, and while they used to be a budget-friendly project $14k is probably too much for that anymore.

I will admit that, about a year ago this time, I didn’t totally grasp how the economy worked in terms of dealers and used cars: They are all pretty much coming off leases, right?”

The lack of understanding of the economy is really one of the qualities that shines through in most of Erik’s articles.

It doesn’t...

Price looks steep enough to be ND territory.

Lol. Sure thing pal.

We all know this guy. Has a POS sitting that he’s convinced is worth a mint, “just needs a little work” and no one ever buys it. You see him again 20 years later, he still has the POS and thinks that since it’s now 20 years old it HAS to be worth more, right? It’s even more vintage now! 

A factory of sadness.

If I were to go with a sports car shooting brake from that era, I’d take the Trans Am Type K. The C3 Corvette is far too swoopy/curvaceous to put what is essentially a box on the back. It just doesn’t work for me. But the kammback on the Trans Am works very well.

The wagon aspect is interesting but just stick a regular C3 nose back on it. The lightbar was hideous even before it was crashed.

For all the work you'd have to do, it might be easier to make another one from scratch.

A factory of insanity, most likely.

Yes, if you go halfway back to the middle ages you can find some cars that are attractive. I think the classic 1955 Alpine wasn’t a terrible looking car, but the modern version just looks terrible. Too much in all the wrong places, not enough in others. The proportions are all wrong.

Be civil.

There is no “UAW” in your comment, you are sounding very triggered about being correctly corrected 

“rude and needless comments to yourself, you little asshole.”