Unnecessary Administration

Nice fucking ad blocking 70% of the goddamned screen! Just write

Honestly, every Lambo since the countach looks like a countach with a body kit to me. As if, for every new model, they asked the designer “what would the countach look like if it was designed today?” and off they went. 

Even before the crash it looked like hot ass: it’s literal garbage now. It would be cheaper to make a replica of it than restore it, and there's no reason to do either because there's nothing special about it.

Wh What does that even mean?

If anyone actually read the terms and conditions or whatever, you’d see that they have the right to do what they want to the game even after it’s sold. Don’t like it? Don’t buy games with that loophole. If you agree to something and regret it later, that's on you. 

So we should report actions but not motivations? THE MOTIVATION *IS* THE NEWS! "Woman crashes car" isn't news, it's an event. 

People doing stupid and dangerous shit is not only news-worthy, that’s literally what most news is. If someone is crazy enough to do what she did, they aren’t sitting around doing non-crazy shit until a random idea is “planted” from watching the news. Remember when Joker came out? A fair number of “concerned citizens”

My wife’s 2010 Malibu had a short or something that kept blowing the headlight... After the third time in 2 months, we decided that if it happened again, we were just leaving the damn thing off. Nearly 30 assorted bolts and connectors is ridiculous for a basic maintenance item.

No Not a first amendment issue at all. She’s still free to say it or write it on her car, freedom of speech doesn't extend into government issued documents, which a license plate is. 

It has been very amusing to see century-old video editing techniques become the hot new thing over the last few years.

They say tone is hard to parse in written language but “obnoxious and insufferable” comes through your post quite clearly. Kudos, I guess.

I just assumed he meant New York.

Hell, for a quarter million dollars, ~I~ can deliver to you a fully resto-modded truck, and I don’t even have a shop or know-how!

Consider this: if you had the ability to absolutely destroy a world record under a certain set of conditions, would you try to prove that ability under a completely different set of conditions? No, because that would be insane. I’m not going to speculate how or why they released false numbers the first time, but I

Oh let’s be serious, half of you secretly love this thing and only hate on it for the same reason you claim taco bell gives you the shits: to go along with popular sentiment. In another ten years you’ll be talking about how you always liked them and thought they were underappreciated and ahead of their time. I’m not a

My friend, you deserve far more stars than you will get; some of us can’t handle the truth stated so bluntly. Bravo!

It’s cool and all but it’s not going off-road unless you consider a wide, well-groomed dirt road “off-road”. Chances are this beast couldn’t transverse a grass overflow lot without getting stuck, much less anything considered a trail. 

I’m shocked that so many jalops apparently think “mid-cycle facelift” means “entirely different generation”. Wtf, guys?

I’m sorry you’re so dismissive of people with differing opinions. Being closed minded will severely restrict your world view which could be quite detrimental to ones ability to achieve their true self. Shame, that.

You would think 899 people “helping each other out” would result in something more than ultimately just one order being paid for. I’m all for charity, but aside from the person that first paid for their own order plus an additional order, everyone involved just paid random amounts for no real reason.