Unnecessary Administration

It’s a non-story, though. 1 person made a kind gesture, 898 people paid random amounts, one person got a free order. So we got nearly a thousand people patting themselves on the back because, eventually, one person got the gift of fast food. If each car would have donated just 1-2 cents each, the result would have

While outrage is fun and all, an increase of 10 cents per happy meal would be more than enough to cover the difference... But of course, greed dictates that they raise prices at least 50 cents since people will bitch no matter how little the increase is. So really it’s a win for the franchisees: they get to raise

I’mI’malways amused by people who will take their time to be a smartass when it would have been just as easy to answer the question.

You must be stoned if you expect me to tour a candy factory without being stoned!

If you can change the headlight on a 2008 malibu without removing the bumper cover, you're either a liar or the bumper cover was already gone! 

It’s as if the Nissan Juke was designed by an actual designer instead of a group of 12 year old boys.

I just think it’s funny, that’s all. It reminds me of an episode of Futurama that had a whale biologist that doesn’t like whales. Basing a career on something you don’t like is hilarious to me!

An auto blogger who is against pushing-the-envelope performance. Well now I’ve seen everything!

Ok, you saying the statement was hyperbole was an explanation I suppose but none of the other stuff about free markets and people doing what I don’t like (?) Had anything to do with what I said... or anything to do with anything, really, just more wild assumptions. Thanks for the entertainment, I guess.

To reiterate my point and hopefully find out what yours was, obviously. I see now it was pointless. Fantastic.

I have no idea what you mean since I prefer manuals. I don’t know what you mean about free markets, my only statement was that car companies do not purposely make shitty cars to justify whatever, because they do not have to justify anything. Exactly what i said is exactly what i meant. whatever else you want to

Bullshit, car companies aren’t making bad cars to justify not making them because they don’t have to justify anything. I don’t know why this trope is so common here, it makes zero sense. They made a handful of cars with manuals to gauge interest: there was none. That’s the whole story.

I must admit, I don't really understand why you'd care what the buyer did with the car. I get that you wanted it to go to someone who needs a break, but whose to say someone who flips cars doesn't need a break sometimes? Had a similar situation recently, my wife bought a car from her sister for a great price, but said

Oh look, people in other areas try to sell their trash, too! I thought it was just the deep south with ads like this. I’m not sure what happened exactly but over about the last decade, everyone has somehow got the idea to sell things for what they -might almost- be worth if the last thing to go wrong had not happened.

Is there a law that every new car has to have the same giant grill with the same angles?

As someone in the deep south I’m always a little shocked when I see things in June about summer finally arriving and in August about summer being nearly over.... Man I wish that were the case here! Summer is pretty much may through October at this point, and it’s not particularly unusual to wear shorts until late

JesusChrist dude, argumentation? What kind of shit is this? Are you acting like a stereotype on purpose or do you really think this is how intelligent arguments sound? The way you structure your opinion here has guaranteed no one will take you seriously, so what's the point? 

I do not know if you are a visionary or a madman...

That is simply not true.

A similar thing happened with sexuality. In the nineties and earlier, there was a big push to drop labels and just let people be people. The old trope was like “your a gay man who dresses and lives like a woman, do i call you gay or straight or he or she...” “You could just call me Jessie, since that’s my name”. But