Unnecessary Administration

Is there any real benefit to each section of the menu being given it’s own virtual storefront, or is it just a way to give people the illusion of choice while the same monolithic company gets the money? Maybe there are certain tax benefits or some way to further screw the worker in this system? Or maybe just a way to

I’m pretty sure you did a hell of a lot more than order 1 nugget and 6 sauces to have the cops called and still be remembered thirty years later!

I like it, but it’s almost impossible to actually get excited about something that, for me and most people, will only exist hypothetically. Too expensive for all but the be very rich and too rare to be anything but a showpiece in a garage. For all that it matters to normal people, they could just build one and call it

Cords, not chords. JFC man, this is grade school stuff.

You know, i hear a lot of folks share this sentiment and i gotta say, it sounds insane. A company spending millions to develop a vehicle they intend to lose millions more on just to justify...what, exactly? Who is this aimed at, that’s going to say “I want a small truck, but Ford’s small truck is shit, so i guess I’ll

I enjoy your enthusiasm for forward thinking technology but i just don’t see this ever being a problem during our lifetimes. Much like how the Segway was supposed to revolutionize human mobility (man i miss the optimism of the early 2000s), so shall it go with fully autonomous vehicles: very neat tech that isn’t

There word “respectively” doesn’t really make sense without two names for the ages to be respective to.

Well, that's to be expected since that's literally what they are

I’m still not sure how people not wanting change caused a shortage of it. I've heard several explanations but they don't make any kind of sense to me.

That doesn’t sound right...

All of your examples are screen actors, ya goober.

I understand and even appreciate the gesture but I gotta ask... Does only allowing characters to be voiced by only their respective races feel kind of *more* racially divisive, or am i just crazy? How does one remove racism but adding racial restrictions? It's quite insane.

It seems unrealistic but i have seen both happen. The door fell off of my sisters 80-something Chrysler and a friend in high school dropped a trans after coming over a speed bump too fast in an old ford. I mean, the trans didn’t just completely fall out because it was still connected to the engine, obviously, but the

I’m surprised at how many people are discussing this as if its actually going to be built when it’s so painfully obvious that this company exists solely to make money, not trucks. 

It’s gonna take in tents effort to fix.

I once had some leaves get stuck in my plumbing vent pipe. For about a month, every time you flushed the toilet, that sounds came out of the wall at head height. The first time it happened it scared me so bad that even after I figured it out I still had a fight or flight adrenaline release every time I heard it.

You realize that car was 13 years old when you bought it, yeah? That’s kind of a ridiculous thing to judge a company by.

Threatening a persons life is assault, usually considered a worse crime than obstructing traffic; This area was closed to traffic. Standing in front of a police vehicle in itself is not a crime. The police committed a crime in response to being mildly inconvenienced and you defend that action. You have chosen...poorly.

If this contest was for professional artists only, you’d have a legitimate point. In this case you appear to just want something to bitch about for any easy article. And that's pretty weak.

As long as the can is intact and has been stored properly, the food will be safe for consumption. That being said, safe for consumption and fit for consumption are 2 entirely different things. In other words, it won’t kill you, but you might rather die than eat it.