Unnecessary Administration

ABS is fine, airbags too provided they don’t fire shrapnel into your face (Takata). Hell, I even like seatbelts. My car doesn’t move without all occupants wearing one. Most stability controls that I have used are only used to cut throttle when your boot gets a little too heavy on a slick surface. I can happily live

+1 to that. Newer cars have too much annoying, useless tech. I’ll take an older car with physical controls, no touchscreens, and no annoying “driver aids”, any day over a new car. Whenever I rent a car these days, it’s sad to see how quickly cars are devolving into boring smartphones on wheels.

Also, like popcorning a ceiling, it covers imperfections on the surface finish or damage. Thin gauge stainless layered over insulation would never lay completely flat in the first place, but then weld on it, rivet it, or put to use in the trucking world - it would show every single defect without the quilting.

In theory, the convex curves created by the quilting and the quilt lines are scattering the light or at least reducing “hot spots”. There isn’t a continuous flat sheet of shiny steel.

Fine. Who cares anyway? I could see if he had injured someone other than himself, then maybe release the cause. Otherwise it just seems like paparazzi ambulance chasing.

I could unironically read people write about industrial fabrication all day.

THIS type of informative post is why I read Jalopnik.

Brad already got you on this, but your comment really is a chefs kiss of everything wrong with certain parts of car culture: casual homophobia, obsession with meaningless metrics, and an inflated sense of your own insightfulness.

I feel like this entire concept is “Lost in Space.” It looks like a truck vehicle of this thing and I expect there will be a similar number actually built, plus or minus 2.

When a flat for becomes an erect four.

Wait, Hyundai doesn’t want to invest money and energy in a startup with no factory, no production car, no sales plan, and no unique technology?

<EVs are able to accelerate as fast as they do largely because they are heavy af.>

LOL, my car mix has since changed, but a year or two ago I actually said to my wife, “If you had told me ten years ago I’d own two electric cars and both were made in America I’d say you were out of your mind.”

545 lb-ft of torque at a standstill probably helps too.

Because every once in a while Tom McParland shows up

Whatever. I’m not making a dime from

I’d counter with it being in competition with every “mid-sized” pickup, and will be attractive to the portion of the market that begrudgingly purchased or is planning to purchase a Taco/Colorado/Ranger/etc because they are the smallest trucks they can get. Honestly, I still think this truck is too big, but I’ll

I guess tiny is relative - I wish we could still get trucks the size of the little 90's toyotas, those were perfect. Easy to park in a normal garage or apartment-sized parking spot, still able to carry a bunch of stuff. 

We live in a world of stupidity

I like that they admit the Model 3's interior is shit to use specifically because you weren’t meant to actually drive the car. Considering how far away Level 5 autonomy is, that goes beyond “putting the cart before the horse.” The horse hasn’t even been born yet.