Unnecessary Administration

“Call me Ishmael.”

Few years ago I saved up $8K (VERY hard for a single mom in the Bay Area) to buy me a nice car for a change after having to drive an SUV because of my very big sons in their high school years. It was time for mama to drive a sweet ride. I wanted to buy from the local used car dealership in town to support small

I always hold the pump, my dad made sure of that ever since I was a kid. It’s a tough habit to kick. Let’s call it a hand workout.

yes, it goes slower because there’s only ever 1 pump for each fuel type. and it is the water hammer effect because the pump is pumping out of the tank, creating the line pressure. there is no damper.

The attendant at a Costco told me about the filter thing. It was a new Costco and he seemed pretty proud of his job, which is unusual for a gas station attendant but hey there’s absolutely nothin’ wrong with giving a shit about your work. Anyway he was talking about how he goes around once an hour and checks all the

AWE!!!! Look Guys. “European style of socialism.” Soooo cute!

In America, first you get the sugar.  Then you get the power.  Then you get the women

I also remember the whole Bill Gates bad, Steve Jobs good thing too, despite it being the inverse.

have...have you seen the crazies talking about him and vaccines.... to some he still is.

Fortunately, it is a unit of measure that hasn’t changed in your lifetime, meaning you could have learned it once and never been confused by it again.

and you have to pull the engine to do so

I’ve read some comments of people being critical of USPS for getting a bespoke design and I don’t think they’re seeing the whole picture. The total eventual purchase will be huge. Hundreds of thousands of vehicles. That volume is enough to warrant a bespoke design. To put that into perspective, the Chevrolet Avalanche

These are perfect. It’s like a modern-day Divco milk truck. They maximized the cube, but gave it a little style! 

This thing:

You betas don’t know the awesomeness of this turbo. It’s so gangsta it generates its own electricity.

All that salesman needed to say during that Catera sale was, “Hey man, this is the Caddy that zigs” and the deal would have been a lock.

Sure, but the guy he was replying to wants the EV to have a charge that lasts “the whole work week.”

Thing is, people make this stupid argument as a justification for buying huge pickups and SUVs; “I tow a trailer 4 times a year, and so I need to consume twice as much gas and roadspace all the time”. I forget where I saw the idea that Europeans buy cars for 95% of their needs, and Americans buy for 5% of theirs, but

80% charge in 18 minutes- that’s now approaching gas station speed, especially if you can pair it with stopping to eat. At this point its now all about getting a unified charging network set up across the country- I would take an 18 minute stop to refuel if it meant getting away from gas. And it’s just going to keep

not this canard again.. it really doesnt need more range. I love how every fucking person in this country is a rancher/long haul trucker that commutes 1000 miles a day in the arctic.