Unnecessary Administration

Jalopnik slideshows are the auto-related technology that annoy me the most.

You made a slideshow out of a bunch of curmudgeon’s comments? If it wasn’t for the comment section I would have abandoned this website a long time ago.

Also, to the Jalop staff: how about a simple step-by-step process on how to buy a car without all this bullshit?

The stories are insane and therefore VERY interesting content. Good stuff. But WHY THE DAMN FORK do you post them as hardly readable screenshots with teeny tiny font? Damn, I had to squint. And I already use Opera for Android, breaking up the stupid slideshow to a proper website.

Read this on mobile, so thankfully didn’t have to deal with the slideshow (just the oppressive ad placement)

I have never bought or sold at a dealer and hope to never do so. I like and prefer my old, cheap cars.

There’s a whole world that doesn’t live on your street.

They have 120 Tesla service centres in the US vs. approximately 3000 Chevrolet dealers. I think that's the point...

I am sure that there are many that would comment on my wrongness (as always on Jalopnik comments) but I would have no problems buying a NEW car online but would be very hesitant to buy a used one without a very close and detailed mechanical look over and test drive.

I think it’s a bit insane to demand that source code should be public domain, let alone required. It’s akin to demanding that all filmed scenes, data, cgi files and source, algorithms, etc. from films should be made available for “historical reasons”

My favorite part of this article is that it doesn’t actually contain a photo of the tires.

I’d write to the internet police so you can be free from being force-fed articles that you don’t like. Thoughts and prayers.

Agreed. One looks like a nice, modern, plush SUV. 

Someone Spent $97,000 On This Delightful 1980 Ford F-250:

Sounds funny, but I refuse to click on deadspin articles due to how G/O media destroyed their own site and screwed over all those great writers.

My biggest issue with the Weeknd after the Super Bowl HT show was that Daft Punk didn’t show up somehow. It would’ve made it the best HT show ever. 

I thought, as a visual, it was pretty great. As a performance, he did a good job (when you could hear him.) The audio mixing, however, was atrocious. He was so buried in the mix it was like he was performing from a different state.

To your point about paying for the halftime show, he’s already an immensely popular and successful artist, so I don’t really think the purpose was to get his name out there. Probably more just to get some unique publicity for his newest album and maybe an upcoming tour or something.

Hey, old timer, he’s one of the highest streamed/paid artists in the world and more people know his name than the ones that don’t, like you.