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Par for the course for this inexplicably awful human being. If he had come out in August and said “I will only sign a bill if it includes $2,000 direct payments,” not only would he have actually helped people, he would have probably won re-election. So, now, at a point when demanding more generous benefits can only

I’ve never been such an angry person, but it’s been building for the past 4 years. I don’t blame trump though, because he didn’t steal the election. We can blame Russia for the misinformation campaign, but it was a not-a-small portion of the country that voted him in, and a larger number voted for in 2020. He grew his

Man, I get it. Still...

I am looking forward to seeing this but FYI this article needs a spoiler alert.  Kind of wish I had known...


Wait, time out:


Could we please be left out of this? We took a lot of time and trouble for Australia to become Covid free, thank you very much.

While I think she just can’t speak. It could also be a way of saying that she is not transgendered. I would not put it past people like her to have some round about way to refer to “real women”.

From my experience living in a super red part of a swing state, yeah, pretty much. there are legitimate safe gun owners, hunters, target enthusiasts, collectors, and there are these clowns.the former can be completely rational and reasonable, but these guys with the penis guns...they are usually pants pissing cowards

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that this family of grifting, racists pigs are a bunch of grifting, racist pigs!

i interpreted it the same way. she’s not stupid, and she talks about her own insecurity, so it doesn’t make sense that she would deny the existence of appearance expectations placed on women (and choosing to read it that way... is a choice). the wording could be better, but it sounds like she’s just saying that

A good reminder that we can’t allow these people to sanitize their reputations just because they jumped off the ship when it was already halfway underwater. Miles Taylor is not our friend. The Lincoln Project dinguses are not our friends. Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Justin Amash, Mitt Romney... these are not our friends. A

I don’t even need a reason to ask Kim and the rest of that shitty-ass lip-filler family to kindly shut the fuck up.

Can we do away with the phrase “working moms”? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to “working dads”.

You’re right, I don’t have an argument. As I’ve already said, I was just refuting your inaccurate characterization of the movie while even conceding that reasonable people could disagree on whether the character Borat was offensive or not.

My Grandmother died in 1986 (ovarian cancer) but would have been 99 this last September. Whenever I’m uncertain about anything, I always think “What would Grandma think of my decision/action? Would she be proud of me, or disappointed?” It’s good bellwether for moral decisions.

Exactly. If we truly want CHANGE, we have to allow people to actually, you know, change.