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Yes, it sounds weird, but I gave Power of Attorney to my daughter when I got divorced in my 50s right after my divorce. It’s never been used, but it’s there so if I get hit by a bus or need someone to take over, she can just step in. Someone in Feinstein’s position might want a trusted relative to handle the day to

I think they really need to have a skip editorializing link to get to the actual content we want from reading the headline, or leave it for the end. If I already have the game that I care about the settlings, I don’t really care about the drama surrounding said game.

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie

But they’re not going to get them, because that’s for sissies, and no man’s man needs anything for a sissy, he’s not fucking queer, you wanna make something of it? Let’s go outside, I’ll show you who’s fucking queer.

I don’t know that I’d say Trumpism is a losing strategy as it wasn’t a landslide victory in Congress and the only thing that gave the Dems a foothold of regaining the White House was the pandemic.  Had that not happened, I’d bet money that we’d be looking at a second Trump administration at this point.  And the

I’m sickened by her choice of baby name because it sounds like a verb. 

You know who else was hilarious and a caricature in 2015? the candidate Donald Trump. How did that work out for y’all?

Sorry but I’m not reading any of these “remember how terrible this asshole is?” articles. I don’t need reminders they’re all the worst, and I’m just grateful that they won’t be shoved in my face on a daily basis. I’d rather see articles about Biden’s new cabinet members.

Yeah, but Jez staffers have the hots for Harry. It makes a difference in their reportage.

This account of how one of the Reps, Jamie Raskin, lost his 25 year old son to suicide, buried him, and the next day was at the Capitol fleeing for his life. Today he’s helping lead impeachment. I

I’m in the greys here on Jez, but I’m posting anyway because some of you know me and I could use some positive energy sent my way. My dad is in the hospital, intubated, and now suffering from both pneumonia and sepsis. He went through chemo and radiation throughout last year for throat cancer. He finished the

Kim was exhausted and spent. It was a stressful situation, she was studying for the bar and dealing with so much.”

I did. I see five cops, and over sixty Trumpers on camera alone. And the camera pans around to give a good view of the crowd past and behind the cops, which means the crowd was already between them and the Capitol. It makes no sense for them to be standing at that fence when they’ve clearly been bypassed and were

Orange McDipshit is doubling down again:

Seriously, at least the Depp/Heard scandal had some sort of moral issue to justify how Jez kept going on and on and on about it.  Who gives a shit if she wants to emphasize her Spanish heritage?  That’s her business.

Let’s see... what else dumb can we obsess over?

Can we also get rid of “Be Kind Rewind”? For totally different reasons. I do like Jack Black, but found that movie unwatchable. Same with “Year One.”

jesus... rich people are the worst. why’d Story get screwed, though? no multiple options?