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Why are we even entertaining that someone in production didn’t tell her not to fraternize with the talent? It was probably some over-zealous PA or DA something. Of course the higher-ups and the cast wouldn’t remember it. Like, this is something that happens in Hollywood every day.

That is not entirely true. It’s true with MRA right wing organizations but there are plenty of men who simply fight for the rights of father’s having an equal right to their children. Before, women would almost entirely get custody of children eve when the mother was an inadequate parent. I feel like that should be

“Small dick energy” is a phrase that buys in and reinforces essentialist patriarchal notions of hierarchy.

Why are these articles on Jezebel that are supposedly meant to be examining and celebrating the theme of masculinity, mostly just dumping shit all over the concept and trying to make men look as pathetic as possible, while judging the men on their relative degree of ‘hotness’ that somehow gives them a conceded

Thought it was because of Sarah Cooper.

I’ve actually found this to be a real time saver in my life since 2016. A Trump sign, MAGA hat, or “all lives matter” social media post instantly tells me everything I need to know about a person, right off the bat!

Maybe I’m being cynical, but there are many thoughts going through my head about this.

My first thought was actually that this is to garner sympathy after doing so badly in the polls. You just know that some people are going to be swayed that way, logic of the situation be damned.

Don’t you have better things to do, Vice President Pence?

“Hang in there, buddy!”

I’m so jaded at this point that I’m convinced it’s fake--50% to get out of the debates, and 50% to be able to say, “look this old fat guy had it and he’s fine, covid’s no big deal!” right before the election.

I frankly think they’re lying to get out of the rest of the debates but in case it’s true?

I am a long time (10+ years) reader and first time commenter.

Don’t you dare!  I have a few of those minifigs and they are adorable.

Jesus fucking christ, Harron. Can you take 5 seconds to actually look up what you’re writing about beforehand?

The Rob Reiner thing immediately marks you as a complete ignorant.

THIS is why nobody takes young progressives seriously, by the way. None of you actually know anything, and you take every opportunity to parade

My big takeaway from this is that there’s a town called Rifle that could end up being represented by a wackjob gun nut, which sounds about white.

you’ll see all the disappointing humans there.

Yeah, you’d think lawyers and dentists would be smarter than that

I really really don’t want a piece of Kanye, or the Kardashian/Jenners. Sorry but we’ve all got our own real life shit to get through. I guarantee that you could ask any person in this country and they could tell you that their spouse/parent/sibling/child/friend/coworker/neighbor/etc suffers from a mental illness or

Stop giving this very unintelligent person attention. He’s aggressively stupid. He’s a racist. He serves a racist master in Trump. He has a massive ego with no self awareness whatsoever and making a few catchy songs does not warrant his belief that he’s a genius. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t think. He’s a prime example