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You should never use the term “spirit animal”. Not because of cultural appropriation but because it’s a basic-ass term used by basic-ass white women.

Naw fuck Rush Limbaugh. 

Every sane non-racist person calls out Trump and his followers incessantly. In the same way that we talk about Black Lives Matter and people come in with that “what about black on black crime” bullshit we can’t engage in the same whataboutism when people in our community mess up. Particularly when we’re trying to push

Remember, all us old farts responding here lived through the “good old days.” I’ll wager there isn’t a single reply from anyone ejected into oncoming traffic/trees, impaled by the steering wheel/random sheet metal, or rolled over by the car your made a dozen rotations in.

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve been out of journalism for a few years, but the nature of this reporting is so unbelievably biased.

You forgot the required Bugs Bunny gif

The flat 4 Air Cooled VW engine through all of its iterations.

So...are they comfirmed trump voters, anti-abortion or anti-LGBTQ? Just wondering why capping on these particular womens appearances is a-ok but capping on someone who say, sat their bare ass on a public chair in a stadium is not.

This has already started - the hotspots in the US are cities so it is being blamed on Democrats who run those cities and foreigners. When it spreads to the rural areas (as it probably already has), the basis has been set for those folks to blame the city dwellers and foreigners who gave it to them - conveniently

Thank you for being so rational about it! I don’t know how old she is, but I bet she’d love to video chat with you every day

Spoiler: People are stupid.

My ex and I are states away from each other. Where am at, the shelves are devoid of soup, pasta, eggs, processed meats, anything instant and toilet paper. Where she's at, they've barely run out of flour. Hence, while it is time for my visitation, and I want to see our daughter so much, I think it is best for her to

She’s back today - along with Attorney General FredfuckingFlinstone (aka Barr)

JFC, if you don’t like the guy’s policies just be honest about it. Nobody else up there was offering a platform like his. Kind of evidenced by the fact that he’s garnered nearly half of the votes in two primaries now and the only other remotely close to his message, Warren, was a non-factor.

“Our best evidence is that “social distancing” helps”

The problem is people don’t understand how bad the flu would be if we did not spend billions on a vaccination infrastructure to stay ahead of it. Even then, it still claims tens of thousands of lives each year. People need to stop and think about how much worse the flu would be if we didn’t have those defensive

God, Rich just couldn’t resist getting in one more “Pete’s not gay enough” hot take.
This need that some people seem to have for Pete and Chasten to be some kind of overtly performative, stereotyped version of a gay couple is kind of like if people in 2008 were wondering why Obama didn’t rap more on the campaign trail.

And to think. All it took was for Buttigieg to drop out of the race for someone from Jezebel or the Root to finally write a informative article about him. Instead we got opinionated, snarky bull-shit about how he’s really white and had a whiskey collection in college leading up to this. What a fucking waste.