
The fact is people don’t care. They will happily make other people less safe if it makes them more safe. You see it all the time in comments here on self-driving car articles - people bitching about the “trolley problem” where a car might choose to crash rather than run over a bunch of pedestrians and people treating

Yeah but then we all have to hire someone to man the turret, and who can afford that these days?

Check the stats — a minivan is safer than any 9000lb F250/350 or Suburban/Escalade.

Not to mention pedestrians or anyone on a bike or motorcycle. It also seems the larger the vehicle, the more of a fuck-it attitude the driver has about the speed limit, too. I mean, if you’re on this site, you probably like to go fast, but over 90 in a 65 in congested city traffic? Holy hell.

No, because that headline does the same thing this does, which is blaming this issue on a consumer choice. Its just that the choice to buy large heavy vehicles have numerous other downsides. 

This should have waaaaay more stars.

The vast majority of deaths in DWI fatalities, are caused by knuckleheads like Bob, and probably his kids, driving around in mammoth battering Rams (no pun intended) because they don’t give a damn about anyone else and feel invincible behind all that steel.

Here’s hoping your line ends when that 9,000-lb deathtrap rolls and burns.

Thanks for publishing this story Andy. This is vehicle-to-vehicle. Even worse are pedestrian deaths going up in the U.S. One of the biggest reasons is hood height of these monstrosities. The hood height of an average F-150 is only 20 inches lower than the roof height of an early 2000s F-150. The hood height is now

Oh come on. We all know that's not true. Your identity is directly tied to the 9000lb death machine you drive. I just hope the next time your kids are pedestrians (do you let them out of the house?) they don't encounter an inattentive driver with your attitude. Otherwise instead of rolling over the hood they'll roll

It’s the answer... for death!

Get some help

Wait until he realizes that his kids are sometimes pedestrians, and that 9000 lb blind spot shows him what “the crumple zone is everything else” actually means.

Way back when I worked with a guy that had a 1st Gen MR2. One of the doors was a different color. I asked him about it and he told me to look in the car.

If there’s one thing TV has taught me in what sees like the last 26 years, that is that Walkers are to be feared.

That blames the smaller victim. And says bigger is better. But when everyone has bigger, they cancel each other out.

Just pedestrians

That’s why I drive like a grandpa around other people, because I don’t want or need that on my conscience. Unfortunately too many people either don’t understand or care that driving something larger, or even driving in general, is a huge responsibility

-Eff everyone else’s kids.”

So, time to install a FIA certified roll cage into my Fiesta. Got it!